shields vs demons/undeads

  • Hey guys,

    need some pricechecks on some OS vs creatures shields pls

    1. tall shield q9 tac -2 we / + 10 vs undead

    2. tall shield q9 tac -2 we / + 10 vs demons

    3. gothic q9 tac -2 we / + 10 vs demons

    4. aegis q9 tac -2 we / + 10vs demons

    5. plagueborn q9 tac - 2we / + 10 vs demons

    6. aegis q10 tac +45we / + 10 vs demons

    7. echo q11 tac +45we / + 10 vs demons

    Thanks for ur opinions

    Have a nice day

    Edited once, last by St_Patrick (October 29, 2018 at 2:41 PM).

  • Well, I’m out of the loop on prices these days, but demons shields have always been valuable. The trick is to find a DoA nutter to sell them to. Prices aren’t really set for demons shields because they’re quite often bid-warred by a couple of DoA nutters which pushes the price disproportionately high.

    Releasing all of them onto the market at the same time will devalue them all, as most people who want a demons shield only want one.

    But the tall, plague, gothic, echo and aegis could go high with enough interest. But you have to locate the aforementioned nutters first, and these days there aren’t many floating around.

    Afterthought: it’s worth pointing out that the +45/ench versions tend to be more sought after as they compliment the play style in DoA better than the -2/ench.

    "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" - Oscar Wilde

  • cosyfiep December 1, 2018 at 8:37 PM

    Closed the thread.