My mesmer needs a couple more armour sets and wands and focus, but I'm not sure what to get! The main set is Elite Elegant (dyed purple) and Tormented 40/40, and I'm not a huge fan of anything else, so I need suggestions for interesting combos. I have a "purple, tormented" theme going on (bow, shield, and spear are Tormented, and everything that can be dyed is purple). Money is no object, and I'm down to add a festival hat to the combo if appropriate, although a blindfold might make more sense because of the colour... anyway, help me dress myself please!
fashion advice
I have like 7sets of armors on my mesmer,where 2 of them are purple.
Elite kurz attire, chaos gloves purple,vabbian hose,performer footwear dyed purple
shing jea attire, shing jae gloves,shing jea hose, shing jea footwear dyed in a color combo I cant remember atm.
You can as you say add a blindfold
- Official Post
Thanks for all the suggestions! I think I've worked out my armour now. Any idea about weapons? I need a wand and a focus.
I can add photos of the 2 sets so you know how it looks like.
Wow, yours appears remarkably different to how it showed up for me. My mesmer is very dark-skinned so the contrast is somehow varied. Anyway, I'm done with armour now - just need a wand and focus!
dont forget an accent color!!!
May 1, 2021 at 8:00 PM Closed the thread.