Hey guys,
Can I have a PC for a gold crystaline sword q8 15^stance
Hey guys,
Can I have a PC for a gold crystaline sword q8 15^stance
Please edit your post adding the exact damage mod - is it 15^Stance? 14^Stance? 13^Stance? That in- or decreases the value. Gold? Purple?
Edit: The sword was 15^Stance and was sold in Kamadan for the silly amount 1750e. Initial seller (Andrea Ghostwind) got it in hall of heroes, OP is buyer.
It’s worth 1750e then 😂
C’mon own up who’s pulled off the Best Buy in the last 5 years.
C’mon own up who’s pulled off the Best Buy in the last 5 years.
You're stupid not to.
Opportunity only knocks only once -- and then only for those who know enough to listen.
That sword's worth whatever you're willing to let it go for. I had one like that, which I used as the centerpiece of my trade for a truly unique piece of GW history.
You should wait until you get an offer that makes your eyes roll back in your head.
Nice find!
You're stupid not to.
Opportunity only knocks only once -- and then only for those who know enough to listen.
That sword's worth whatever you're willing to let it go for. I had one like that, which I used as the centerpiece of my trade for a truly unique piece of GW history.
You should wait until you get an offer that makes your eyes roll back in your head.
Nice find!
What are you talking about?
Since when abusing someone’s ignorance is something nice? What kind of thinking is that ? So the only thing that matter is the item itself, and not the way earned it? I wanna throw up readding this lines, literally.
I wont say i never underpayed an item, we All did.
But there is a difference of buying something for yourself, get a good price , And scamming a returning player in a dead game, asking for a PC aiming pure profit (talking here of quadra digits of arms, not to say €) . Shame on you for congratuling such behaviour.
So as a PC : mine is 1750e, and sell it back from the guy you fooled.
Have a good night.
I'd pay the guy who bought this sword 50a to give it back to the seller. I'd be curious what this one might bring in a auction without blood diamonds.
It's q8 gold 15^stance
I just need a price check so I will not answer the rest
I'm sry if someone feels hurt
Display MoreWhat are you talking about?
Since when abusing someone’s ignorance is something nice? What kind of thinking is that ? So the only thing that matter is the item itself, and not the way earned it? I wanna throw up readding this lines, literally.
I wont say i never underpayed an item, we All did.
But there is a difference of buying something for yourself, get a good price , And scamming a returning player in a dead game, asking for a PC aiming pure profit (talking here of quadra digits of arms, not to say €) . Shame on you for congratuling such behaviour.
So as a PC : mine is 1750e, and sell it back from the guy you fooled.
Have a good night.
You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about the person asking for the PC and about my knowledge of that person.
There's nothing in this thread that indicates that this person consistently scams people, or plans on RMT. Maybe he does all those things, I don't know. That's certainly not the behavior I'm congratulating.
Let me clue you in to a little piece of reality. All of us started out this game broke. ZERO GOLD. If you become rich in this game, it's not through farming or any other kind of manual labor. It's by knowing a market and working it well (I'm ignoring credit card warriors and hackers). Buying low and selling high is an integral part of the game for many people and has been for years and years. I have no idea why people have taken to calling this a "scam" lately. It makes no sense.
I've seen many people claim that buying low and selling high a "scam". But you've done it, I did it in my playing days, and you seem comfortable in saying that we've all done it. So what you're objecting to clearly is not buying low and selling high. You're objecting to instances of said behavior that you deem to be malicious. And, since you've deemed yourself the moral arbiter around here, I have two questions for you:
1) What evidence do you have that this case is malicious? As I said, I'm not congratulating any malicious behavior.
2) Who the eff are you?
Sword is priceless.
Display MoreYou seem to be making a lot of assumptions about the person asking for the PC and about my knowledge of that person.
There's nothing in this thread that indicates that this person consistently scams people, or plans on RMT. Maybe he does all those things, I don't know. That's certainly not the behavior I'm congratulating.
Let me clue you in to a little piece of reality. All of us started out this game broke. ZERO GOLD. If you become rich in this game, it's not through farming or any other kind of manual labor. It's by knowing a market and working it well (I'm ignoring credit card warriors and hackers). Buying low and selling high is an integral part of the game for many people and has been for years and years. I have no idea why people have taken to calling this a "scam" lately. It makes no sense.
I've seen many people claim that buying low and selling high a "scam". But you've done it, I did it in my playing days, and you seem comfortable in saying that we've all done it. So what you're objecting to clearly is not buying low and selling high. You're objecting to instances of said behavior that you deem to be malicious. And, since you've deemed yourself the moral arbiter around here, I have two questions for you:
1) What evidence do you have that this case is malicious? As I said, I'm not congratulating any malicious behavior.
2) Who the eff are you?
Sword is priceless.
1) i’ll ask this question by another : how buying an item to someone that obviously have been away from the game, in ECTOS (while curent money for valuable items is armbrace) , not aware of current market and inflation , isn’t malicious? Stop pretend it’s a fair wait of trading. It’s like , going to a rich grand mother with alziemer , and offering 1000€ for a Picasso. The guy had no idea that ectos, today, are worthless (especially such low amount). This is scam, nothing more. If you pretend the contrary you’re just being stupid (don’t take it personally, I don’t know you, you don’t know me. I’m only talking about behavior).
This is not tradding, game is being so much inactive, and released so long ago, that this trade in particular, isn’t casual trade between 2 aware ppl.
2) xDDDD the hell is that question ? You got issues with ego or what? Yeah we all know you are « old » player , with reputation blabla. So what? You decide that this time, this trade was well done by the buyer, and you even defending him when we claim for scam? Cmon and tell me you don’t know him. (Btw I did previously no presumption about any relationship between him and you)
I’m 100% you’d be the first one to claim payback if the victim was some of your friend back in the day.
I couldn’t be more disappointed by this behaviour, from a pretended collector from old days and protector of GW history. Using « Who are you » argument, in 2018 (soon 19!) while trying to prove something. Awww
We’re all player of an (almost) dead game mate, nothing less, nothing more. And humans beings, with (suposely) moral sens.
Once again, have a good night.
And yeah sword is priceless , not belonging to you tho
Display More1) i’ll ask this question by another : how buying an item to someone that obviously have been away from the game, in ECTOS (while curent money for valuable items is armbrace) , not aware of current market and inflation , isn’t malicious? Stop pretend it’s a fair wait of trading. It’s like , going to a rich grand mother with alziemer , and offering 1000€ for a Picasso. The guy had no idea that ectos, today, are worthless (especially such low amount). This is scam, nothing more. If you pretend the contrary you’re just being stupid (don’t take it personally, I don’t know you, you don’t know me. I’m only talking about behavior).
This is not tradding, game is being so much inactive, and released so long ago, that this trade in particular, isn’t casual trade between 2 aware ppl.
2) xDDDD the hell is that question ? You got issues with ego or what? Yeah we all know you are « old » player , with reputation blabla. So what? You decide that this time, this trade was well done by the buyer, and you even defending him when we claim for scam? Cmon and tell me you don’t know him. (Btw I did previously no presumption about any relationship between him and you)
I’m 100% you’d be the first one to claim payback if the victim was some of your friend back in the day.
I couldn’t be more disappointed by this behaviour, from a pretended collector from old days and protector of GW history. Using « Who are you » argument, in 2018 (soon 19!) while trying to prove something. Awww
We’re all player of an (almost) dead game mate, nothing less, nothing more. And humans beings, with (suposely) moral sens.
Once again, have a good night.
And yeah sword is priceless , not belonging to you tho
You seem to be having a hard time understanding things today, so I'll make it simple:
1) A sale is made when two people agree to a price. Knowledge is a tool in that interaction. A person who sells without knowledge is careless. That person is not stupid and is not a victim of a scam.
2) You seem to have completely missed the boat on this one. You think I'm whipping out some e-peen or reputation and turning that into an ad hominem attack on you. The fact that you read my question that way probably has more to do with your insecurities than anything.
When I asked "Who the eff are you?" I meant who are you to act as moral arbiter of whether buying low and selling high is a scam, especially when you admit to doing it yourself and claim that everyone here has done it (nobody seems to be objecting to that claim). When you do it, it's ok and it's an exception but when someone else does it, it's a scam. Get off your high horse and accept the fact that buying low and selling high is the main way by which *honest* collections are built. If a person has achieved any kind of wealth in this game (or at some point become rich enough to have assembled a significant collection) and did it the right way (not by hacking, not using a credit card), it was done mostly by buying low and selling high.
That's just reality. Feel free to whine about it all you want.
3) I don't know the person who bought the sword, the person who sold the sword, or the person asking for the price check. I do know that it's stupid to make the blanket statement that buying low and selling high is a scam. The items in this game and the markets that they created were part of what made this game sp spectacular. Many of the best friends that I've had in this game and people who I admired and learned from taught me the markets that they knew best and I used that knowledge to assemble a collection that celebrates the history of our game. I lead a guild full and like-minded collectors who achieved what they have by buying low and selling high.
So, if I'm defending anything, it's trading as a way of playing the game. Some great things have been achieved thanks to buying low and selling high. Buying low and selling high has served good purposes and it may serve malicious purposes. But the problem isn't with buying low and selling high. I was not a scammer. My guild is not filled with scammers. My friends and teachers are not scammers.
Selling high and buy low? Since when paying a valuable item around 1% of it’s true value is fair? 10.000% INSTANT profit . Who on earth would do that (sell his house 100 times that its true price) ? Don’t tell me the initial owner was aware of current market. Seriously , he paid in ectos, what is your answer to that ? Even froggies q13 are sold in armbraces (1 or 2 , but w/e). Don’t tell me the buyer didn’t made it on purpose. This trade, IF it happened was a trickery at all points.
So ok, let’s say I misunderstood your question 2) , not pointing out that it was extremely explicit. Who am i? I’m no juge or moral thinker or anything. As I said. Just a human, who’s moral sens was destroyed seeing such abuse applauded.
Nothing to do with PhD members , or the manners how their fortune were made. I respect them all, mostly because it seems to me that they made their collection with a real spirit (gather real pieces of art together) , and not only for cash profite. To be honest , I don’t understand why you talked about the subject, implying that I had anything against you/them.
One last thing, that you avoid to answer in my last post:
What would be your reaction if the initial owner was one of your fiend/relative. Be honest plz.
Selling high and buy low? Since when paying a valuable item around 1% of it’s true value is fair? 10.000% INSTANT profit
. Who on earth would do that (sell his house 100 times that its true price) ? Don’t tell me the initial owner was aware of current market. Seriously , he paid in ectos, what is your answer to that ? Even froggies q13 are sold in armbraces (1 or 2 , but w/e). Don’t tell me the buyer didn’t made it on purpose. This trade, IF it happened was a trickery at all points.
So ok, let’s say I misunderstood your question 2) , not pointing out that it was extremely explicit. Who am i? I’m no juge or moral thinker or anything. As I said. Just a human, who’s moral sens was destroyed seeing such abuse applauded.
Nothing to do with PhD members , or the manners how their fortune were made. I respect them all, mostly because it seems to me that they made their collection with a real spirit (gather real pieces of art together) , and not only for cash profite. To be honest , I don’t understand why you talked about the subject, implying that I had anything against you/them.
One last thing, that you avoid to answer in my last post:
What would be your reaction if the initial owner was one of your fiend/relative. Be honest plz.
Look. I talked about myself, my guildies, my friends, and my teachers because you repeatedly and adamantly made the blanket statement that buying low and selling high is somehow a scam. If that's true, then everyone who does it is a scammer, including me, my guildies, my friends, and my teachers.
I'm not saying that you don't have a point about trading ethics, but "buying low and selling high is a scam" isn't your point. It's not even an idea worth entertaining. You seem to be getting closer to your point when you start to talk about the purposes for which profit is being made. Assembling museum-quality collections is something that you seem to approve of (I knew we could agree on something!) while going just for cash profit is a less-than-idea goal. Your issue seems to be with purposes. You seem to have some idea what you think is a "good" purpose and what might be a "bad" purpose. That is, like it or not, a moral judgment. I also have my perspective on that but I'm not going around splattering it all over people because, in the end, it doesn't matter.
Story for you. I remember having conversations in-game (and even in a thread...I don't remember if it was here or on Guru) about the best deals traders ever made. I chipped in a few from my trading days. One that I remember off the top of my head was buying a req 8 15^50 ascalon maul for 37k. That was a good deal and it was a good story. What it wasn't was a scam.
How would I react if a friend/relative/guildie sold something for too little? This has happened. My own flesh and blood brother has a problem with reading what's in front of him sometimes and at least twice has fallen for actual scams (involving purposeful deception). One of those mess-ups cost us a req 7 15^50 sword. How did I react? By telling him that he's a dumbass.
Because, sometimes, he is.
the sword is not priceless, 2 years ago i paid around 400a for one and traded it...... and as far as the scams and stuff lol, the guy had to hit the accept button in the trade too not all the OP's fault ya dishonest but thats kind of just a really good deal in power trading, to give it a value its worth what you want but if you want to sell it, its worth what the highest bidder is willing to pay. for a number id say a solid 600-800a for that sword imo
also this is a pc thread not a drama thread ><
also needs actions taken against the non bids and the multiple bump under a 24 hour period
This def is not considered a scam, if one person offers and the other accepts whether the item is worth more or less. Sadly this is part of power trading to find great items for less and sell for more or just to keep. A good example of a scam would be somebody showing 1 item then trying to cofuse you and swaps the item for another or tryin to change the identity of certain items like a "tyrian serpant axe" to a regular serpant axe. I also agree with tire town tuff this sword today could get 600-800a and has the potential of going to 1000a
If someone sells with out doing research its now a scam.. in this day and age how many bots run daily yet we sit here and discuss people spaming wtb req 8 items in kamadan and someone responding and selling a scam. Its rediculos yes is it right maybe not but good for whoever bought this beatiful sword
Well.... I went to bed 7 hours ago, and by the time I woke up, the tone of this thread has taken a downturn.
The question has been answered, and I’ll add my opinion too - this is one of those super rare items which is impossible to value these days. And that is what priceless means. It means a price cannot be assigned to it.
But I’m closing this now as it has turned into a discussion on trading ethics, which is not the purpose of this thread. You are welcome to start another thread on trading ethics, but it will not continue in this thread.
I am leaving the comments here for now, however, as some of it does pertain to valuing that sword.