PC OS q8 zodiac axe | q8holy staff | q8 AL16 tact ancient shield

  • Darkwing is worth a few hundred armbraces. Blues are rarer than golds in 8/16. Do NoT sell that to private offers or ingame. You’ll rip yourself off spectacularly.

    Agree with Max on the Darkwing. However, the hard part is going to be to find someone willing to pay more for a blue one than they would for a gold. For reference, a gold is ~200a.

    q8 Ancient is 100a+ if you find the right buyer :)

    Take your time with both items, and follow Max's advice.

  • Agreed on rarity’s darkwing. But as usual , rarer don’t necessary means more expensive. Few people would pay more for a blue, than a gold. The real mission is to find them.

    A big part of potential interested buyer are pvp players, no need to explain that they don’t care about the seild’s rarity, as long as it’s inscriptible.

    Count 200a range for darkwing, the rest of négotiation depends on the buyer’s profile.


    IG: jacke l eventreur

  • cosyfiep March 25, 2019 at 7:15 PM

    Closed the thread.