• Hi All. I'm returning to GW. Loved it a long time ago, but left a lot incomplete. I guess I'm wondering the best way to start a solo trip. Should I start in NightFall for Hero access? What's the best class for me? Any other advice?

  • hello

    The best way to go solo, in my opinion, is to begin with Nightfall, because you can grab heroes.
    After you can continue with EOTN, for heroes, and PVE skills.
    For rise in level, i suggest you to do the Zaishen Quest, speedbooking and capturing the élites in the same time. (when possible)
    You can gain xp, money and stuff. And if you're skilled (and lucky) you can rise yor survivor title.

    For the class, its a liitle bit complicated. We all have our préferences.
    I play warrior, which is good to lead a party, but useless in many situation.

    A necromencer is versatile, passe-partout, i like to play in combinaison, with another MM.
    A friend of mine play Ele/rit, and it seems to be a good combination.

    Nowadays, it seems that the combinaison of Assassin/rit, or A/env is in the mood...

    I nevers play Assassin, and i have a mesmer, that i play from time to time.

    Hope it help you.

    PS: why don't you join a guild ?

    Rurick ! No !

  • I'd suggest starting with factions, because the tutorial takes the shortest time imo. Because if you start in nightfall you might have to farm some ranks to progress and prophecies takes a long time in general if you don't get a run to LA to get heroes from NF and eotn.

    I did start vanilla with a ritualist without heroes and done the whole campaign so I'd guess Rit could be a save bet if you're going through campaigns. Just get as soon as possible to nf and eotn to get your heroes to make it easier for yourself.

  • If you remember very little about the game I would recommend starting in Prophecies. The slower learning curve will give you a much better opportunity to learn how your profession works and general PvE things. Heroes are not necessarily a boon - their builds can be customised so they can potentially be much better than henchmen, but they can also be worse if you don't have many skills unlocked or don't understand how those professions work (which is overwhelmingly likely if you haven't actually played them). Hench bars are generally pretty good nowadays so you really shouldn't look at heroes as a big priority.

    Play whichever profession you want. If you give us an idea on what things you're looking for we could give you specific recommendations, but choosing solely based on which is the most powerful is inherently stupid. You're meant to be enjoying yourself, remember? One thing I will stress though, is that there are no "bad" professions. ArenaNet gave up on nerfs in 2009 or so, so all skill updates since then have been buffs, leading to a massive surge of power creep. You'll see people say things like Paragons and Rangers are bad, but they aren't. They just aren't game breakingly overpowered like Mesmers or Rits. You can comfortably clear the game in Hard Mode with any profession.

    Other advice? Don't skip content/rush ahead. Take your time to immerse yourself in the game and learn as much as you can.

  • they can be, however, if as Marty says, you have very few skills unlocked they will be not very useful. They are more for people trying to do certain builds for their whole hero group (they are heroes, they just look like your characters).
    If you still have an old account and old characters you could just finish up what you missed (or at least keep the old characters for later). If you are starting with a new account then I would start at the beginning as Marty suggests.
    As for what profession, eles are pretty easy to play as are warriors, rangers are safe as they have a higher armor rating (at max level), monks and mesmers are a bit harder to play (though my favorite prophecies character is my monk----), necros have some good points too, and are quite versitile. If you are a melee type then you would also enjoy sin or dervish or even possible paragon.....all depends on what you like.

  • Guilds are absolutely still around. They're the basis for most player interaction nowadays - people don't typically group up for random missions and such because it's just easier to do that kind of stuff with heroes, plus there's more of a focus on high end stuff given the age of the game. Outposts may seem empty but that's because people are out in instances doing things. Being in a guild will allow you to be connected to those people, and potentially get together to do stuff.

    Also, playing with heroes and henchmen is shortened to "H/H". Playing "solo" means being a one person team.

    Also also, if you're not already there, switch over to the American districts. Pretty much everyone is there.

  • people play at all hours of the day...so no worries there.
    There are still plenty of active guilds (look at our guild section and see if anyone is recruiting right now), I know there were a bunch of guilds that were helping out new people--or willing to do all the beginners stuff...cant remember who they were now (ok, can barely remember my OWN name right now---really do need to sleep a bit more :P)