PC on OS weapons, low req. OS shield

  • Hi all,

    would be good to get a steer on value some items from my OS collection:

    q.9 15^50 gold OS:

    1. Stone crusher

    2. crescent skin sickle

    3. dusk blade

    4. Gravel of the nephilim

    5. Canthan skin broadsword

    6. Gothic sword

    7. gothic dual axe

    8. archaic axe

    9. canthan cleaver

    10. kaineng axe

    11. great axe

    12. Rams hammer

    q.9 15^-5 gold OS:

    13. Oni daggers

    14. Naga longbow

    15. q.9 15^-1e grinning recurve OS gold

    Q.9 +5e

    16. crescent skin sickle

    17. Dragoncrest axe

    18. cleaver

    19. piercing axe

    20. q.10 +5e jade axe

    and one quite unique one, 21. OS gold q.4 12ar spiked targe, +27hp -5(19%)

    Any help appreciated here!

  • cosyfiep May 1, 2020 at 7:54 PM

    Closed the thread.