Hey guys, hopefully this is the right spot for this. I am looking for the best hero builds for NM and HM dungeons and vanq areas. I'm looking for actual hero builds and not Merc heros. I have been running the 3 Mes ESurge build from Pvxwiki and am having problems. They have correct runes, but didn't know if anyone had an better builds. Much appreciated. Thanks!
Best hero builds for NM\HM dungeons
- Official Post
How similar is your build to the one in this thread: BiP support
This is generally the go-to meta team, as you mention it has 3 Mes usually ESurge with other support.
What profession/build are you playing yourself? The Heroes should be capable enough but it would help to know.
Some dungeons may need modifications to replace certain builds for example if there are no corpses you don't want to take an MM Hero.