q5-6-7 insc blades (closed)

  • The Forked sword i wont comment cos i actualy want to buy it ;)

    The Crescent blades, low req daggers are popular and the skin is good but not really that rare. probably looking upwards of like 200e+ probably more, rare to see gold ones on the market.

    the long sword is pritty common, down to whatever a collector will give you.

    IGN: Snoop Snail (Not very active in game atm. Msg me here for trades!)
    --> WTB q3-8 Gold Inscriptables

  • Praise August 27, 2020 at 12:25 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “q5-6-7 insc blades” to “q5-6-7 insc blades (closed)”.
  • bsoltan August 28, 2020 at 2:37 AM

    Closed the thread.