Hello I know there are some low req max stats enthusiast and would like to help with pcing thse.
I rly like both skins
Ty in advance
Hello I know there are some low req max stats enthusiast and would like to help with pcing thse.
I rly like both skins
Ty in advance
the crude is a hard one to judge, many ppl love that skin. One purple same stats sold for a rather high amount after a bid war. It all depends on if someone needs it for their collection.
I'd just say put it for auction with a starting bid of 10e and see where it goes if you plan on selling it, you aren't obligated to sell if you don't like the offers.
Personally i would keep it as a caster shield, the core skin q0 shields are harder to find than the nightfall skin ones imo.
Ty for your comment I updated my wts thread and will see if some one is interested, gonna hold thread for another 24h - maybe some 1 would like to give another advice.