Wayward wand, q9 channeling, hct channeling 20%, 10e
OS Dual Mod Shields, 20/20 Staves, Wands, Offhands please close
November 24, 2020 at 1:09 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS zodiac staff air q9 20/20, with other items updated 15/11” to “WTS zodiac staff air q9 20/20, with other items”. -
Wayward wand, q9 channeling, hct channeling 20% 15e
Bump, going to sell the oni dual zeal and wayward wand in a few days
Long sword q9 15^50 b/o 5e
I take the bo pls
IGN: Abaddons Ele
Spiked targe (canthan I think, it’s pretty small) q10tac -3wH +1/20% healing
Tower shield q11 str +1 20% healing, -3 wHexed
5e/ea -
November 30, 2020 at 2:08 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS zodiac staff air q9 20/20, with other items” to “OS Dual Mod Shields, 20/20 Staves, Wands, Offhands”. -
30 e on the - 3 hex 10 piercing zodi when X00g Value
(like 200g 300g 400g)
Wayward wand, q9 channeling, hct channeling 20%, +5enchanted, (dual inscription 50e
Straw effigy, q9 SR, +1 /20 CURSES, HCT 10% 10e
IGN: Luana rose
Wayward wand, q9 channeling, hct channeling 20%, +5enchanted, (dual inscription) 55e
Wayward wand, q9 channeling, hct channeling 20%, +5enchanted 2a
A last bump before contacting people to sell.
Bump, added some os items with +5 energy , q9
30e on zodi axe if a X00g value like 200g 300g 400g
Reinforced buckler q10 tac, +10 trolls, -2 stanced - 5e
Ign : Dadan Le Romanichel
Bump. Added that tall shield with matching mods.
q13 jeweled chakram 20e
q12 jeweled chalice 10e
Bump. Added some 15/-5s
Bump, made some edits.
10e on q9 15^50 Zodiac Longbow, provided it's oldschool
December 28, 2020 at 5:39 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Dual Mod Shields, 20/20 Staves, Wands, Offhands” to “OS Dual Mod Shields, 20/20 Staves, Wands, Offhands please close”. -
December 28, 2020 at 5:19 PM Closed the thread. -