a couple of OS Items CLOSE
1. the water wand such mixes struggle a bit.
dropped a q9 20/20 fire airwand. highest bid was 10e in 2 weeks .. so i decided to keep it and make a full collection on all 4 elements with 20/20 Fire mods
(SPOILER: waterwand with 20/20 fire is my missing one. why its not fire man
2. Tetsubo maybe Cash needs then like ~5e i would say since its ench and has no real sale value else
3. Jadesword 1-5e and hard to sell
4. Chakram has the higest value here. would post it for auction and wait where it goes. the 1% off and q13 matter and will lower the price still see it fetching a nice amount of ectos
5. Magmas arm on 15^50 and +5en is like 5-10e also a bit harder to sell. 15 stance i would try Cash and say aorund the 5e mark
6. Embossed is not a "go-to" skin for many players. Cold is one the least needed 10vs mods for pvp (except creatures ofc obviosly) and 1hp off matters for PvP use. would say get what u get offered. see if the price pleases u and sell or keep. the sale value is on q10 and 1 off maybe around 10e+
7. Fiery Dragon sword q9 15^50 - 5-15e sometimes searched then u can get a bit more. overall the martial 15^50s are harder to sell then +5en versions
December 14, 2020 at 7:24 PM Changed the title of the thread from “a couple of OS Items” to “a couple of OS Items CLOSE”. -
December 20, 2020 at 2:58 AM Closed the thread.