--- no interests so I keep the remaining stuff ---

no interests so I keep the remaining stuff ---
hey -
April 27, 2017 at 9:57 PM -
Bo fire q9 150e
Zodiac q9 dom 400e
IGN Festive Spark -
q9 20/20 Ele Zods:
Fire 1000e
Earth 1000e
Water 250e
Air 250eq9 20/20 Fire Bo 500e
q9 20/20 Fire Outcast 300e -
q9 20/20 bo 600e
Fire Outcast staff 500e
Spearou the Paladin
q9 20/20 Ele Zods:
Fire 1000e
Earth 1000e
Water 250e
Air 250eq9 20/20 Fire Bo 500e
q9 20/20 Fire Outcast 600e (new) -
750e fire outcast staff
q9 20/20 Ele Zods:
Fire 1000e
Earth 1000e
Water 250e
Air 250eq9 20/20 Fire Bo 500e
q9 20/20 Fire Outcast 1000e (new) -
Q9 fire outcast staff 1200e
q9 20/20 Ele Zods:
Fire 1000e
Earth 1000e
Water 250e
Air 250eq9 20/20 Fire Bo 500e
q9 20/20 Fire Outcast 1500e (new) -
Q9 Fire outcast staff 1750e
ty for the offers, b/o and/or r/b will be added tomorrow
I will offer 27arms for the 20/20 ele zodiac staff set. (air/water/earth/fire)
200e smite bo staff
3000e zod ele set
700e fire bo -
30 arms on the zodiac ele staff set thanks!......
r/b and b/o added on some items (I wont add r/b and b/o on items with no offers)
Reignoffiretwo 30a = 3000e, same bid as teal dawn
b/o on zod staves (if you accept 4000e)
r/b on fire bo staff -
R/B dom zodiac 5arms
r/b smiting bo staff 20/20, q9
Q9 Curses/Blood zodiac staves 20/20 - 250e/each
Q9 Dragon staff DF 20/20 prot - 400e
Q9 Spawning Zodiac Staff - 200e
IGN: Rafke Ltu -
smite bo 280e
B/O Smiting bo staff 20/20 q9
IGN: Rafke Ltu -
nvm a friends sells me his one
r/b and b/o added on some staves
600e Q9 dom Zodiac 20/20
R/B Channeling, spawning, curses, blood zodiacs
IGN: Rafke Ltu -
b/o 450E on the q9 channeling zodiac staff thanks!
sundering for swords and axes added !
- Official Post
1000e for all the pre-nerf sunderings please.
sundering axe 10/10 - 100e /ea
2a on 10/6 thx
I added new zodiac staves (illu, death, smiting all q9 20/20)
r/b Zodiac staves 20/20 smite,illusion,death
150e - divine zodiac
IGN: Rafke Ltu -
Probably the last bump, sold staves removed
1200e os sundering set
r/b and b/o added for the sundering set (last bump then I'll close the thread)
+50e to meet r/b then