Curious what this is worth:

2005 Winter Gift
I can provide some additional context for the item.
There are 2 version of winter gifts :
-The "Grenth version" will either kill or give you some coal when you open it. It could only be obtained during the first winsterday event in 2005.
- The "Dwayna version" will give you the regular winsterday drops (candy cane, eggnogs etc..). This version could be obtained from 2005 to 2010 by interacting with a NPC in kama.
The Grenth version will obviously be rarer than the Dwayna version. Sadly they share the same name and the same icon, so the only way to know which is which is to see if they stack with other Dwayna or Grenth winsterday gifts.
I can't give you a PC as i'm interested in buying it. But for comparison other event items goes something like that : Jade wind orbs 0,5/1e each, Zaishen medaillon 1-5e each, Naga fangs 5-40e (very few seller and very few buyer)
February 21, 2021 at 12:50 PM Closed the thread.