Closed. OS q9 oni daggers
Some ectos if for example : Cash, kuginii or joker need em. Those 3 collect dagger mods. like ~5e would allrdy be an okay price. these have
no"EDIT: a very narrow use" in game play and are "EDIT: nearly" pure collectables. theres not to many dagger collectors neither are 20% Mod Buyers in generell. -
Can someone pc this please?
**Mod Edit** Thread Closed.
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i suggest merch cause a sale would in best case be 5k and take so much time that it most likely wont be worth.
In generell: Martial Weapons that can drop these days on q10+ are mostly merch. ( Exceptions here Duskblade,spiked club and +5en mods on some rare skins.)
Maybe other people can add some more exception these are what coming to my mind. so over all for my Farms and Chest runs 99.9% of q10+ Martials i merch.
January 31, 2021 at 2:23 AM Closed the thread. -
January 31, 2021 at 2:23 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS q9 oni daggers” to “Closed. OS q9 oni daggers”.