Selling Pets and Everlastings

  • Hello everyone !

    After some longs years, i decided to return GW1, and i need some gold, i gived away everything when i stoped the game :D

    All those pets are unded.

    Green -> 3 Ectos / ea
    Golds -> 1 ectos / ea

    And i think i'll giving away purple... or if you want giving me something back it will be cool :p

    Everlasting Tonic :

    Kuunavang -> 40e
    Keiran Thackeray -> 20e

    You can DM me ingame @ " I Kradz I

    PS : English sponsored by Google trad, don't judge me. :D

  • bsoltan April 24, 2021 at 5:30 PM

    Closed the thread.