
100e on shinobi +5
s/b oaken
Hey Rav
I'll start Magmas with 3Aand s/b Kournan Defender
150e shinobi
IGN Alexa Jaide
200e mag
50e each on oaken and milita shield
210e mag
60e oaken/militia
250 mag
bo darkwing str q10 and exalted q9 str
2a oaken
5arms on oaken
7a oaken
75e militia
80e mil.
i will post r/b or b/o in a few days
bump, next bump i will add r/b etc
oaken aegis will be sold in the next 48h
second to last bump
b/o oaken
Last bump
Toshi, sorry i sold the oaken already ingame.
Ravaidan Jalir
March 22, 2021 at 8:59 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Magmas, Q8 insc Shields and other misc” to “CLOSED”. -
March 27, 2021 at 3:35 AM Closed the thread.