Definitely canthans judging by the pc, you dont just own 3 os tyrian serpents without owning other oldschool items of the same calibre.
Posts by zxc
mods are wrong way around, Merch.
Prices are actually inflated because of bots, a stack of armbraces would make u 1 of the richest persons 8+ years ago, a stack of armbraces = chump change in this day and age.
I use to buy req8 15^50s for 10-20e only 6-8 years ago, now look at the prices you see on Sell.
Inflation and botting do affect the prices of most OS collector items but certainly not most of the obscure categories like blues or whites unless its an extremely rare special case.
Price checking is a biased thing normally, the prices that i see that are given are normally what someone is willing to pay, if it seems absurd enough then the seller will of course dump it for that price and everyone else just assumes that is what the item is worth.
No one can ever be right what an item will be worth, it has always been a mutual thing between the seller and the buyer, price checking is just there to determine if the item is worthless or not. Price checking isn't there to exactly price an item contrary to popular belief. It is why we ask for many opinions on pc threads to determine if the item is valuable or not.
Just because an item sold for xxx amount doesn't mean all the other same items are worth xxx amount, because there maybe only that 1 niche collector that pays for certain items/trash.
1. Req8 Zodiac sword 15^50
c/o 75a
b/o tba
2. Req8 Shortbow +5e
c/o 100a
reserve tba
b/o 250arms
3. Req8 Fellblade 15^50
s/b 50a
b/o tba
4. Req8 Shadowblade 15^50
s/b 40a
b/o tba
5. Req8 Zodiac axe 15^50
c/o 40a
b/o tba
6. Crystalline sword Req10 15%stance Non-inscript
c/o 60a
b/o tba
7. Magmas Shield req9 +30hp -20% cripple Non-inscript
c/o 50a
b/o tba
8. Req8 FDS 15^50
s/b 50a
b/o tba
The rest are all 15^50 req8, offer away:
Spiked axe
War axe
Great axe
Runic hammer
Wicked blade
gold value seems way to low for a req7 tbh.
Surely its worth more than 50 armbraces on a skin that is rarer and sought after than most of the core skins.
i'd definitely rate it much much higher.
Tombs finally died in 2011 for me, the pvp aspect of thegame had run its course, the balancing aspect of pvp got worse everytime they fiddled with it. Their answer for everything was to NERF everything over the years, this only led to only a few viable builds that made the game super boring, every balanced team composition was just 2melee, melshot/magebane ranger, pb/pd mes, a lightning ele, 2mo+rit because any other builds were nerfed too much to be viable. There use to be rspikes, bspikes, iways, sways, elespikes, vims, smite, hex, choking gas, eoe bombs, bbway, and so many more that i just cant remember anymore, it was so fuckn fun playing all that stuff because all those builds had a counter, but over the years the nerfs came hard and fast and thats when it got stale and the game lost its identity as build wars.
This probably and most likely indirectly affected GvG, as tombs was known as the stepping stone for most of the elite players to move into after they achieved rank 9/12 back in the days.
The elitist GvG attitude didn't help at all, by the time the GvG community tried to teach and help the community, it was too late, i noticed a large amount of disinterest in the game back in 2009-11 from a lot of my pvp buddies and moved on to other games and sporadically logged in and eventually quit.
Removing TA was one of the biggest fuck ups, i know a lot of TA players were highly skilled and moved to GvG directly from there.
Ping is and always will be a big issue in a PVP game, it was pretty much just EU and US servers left after the Asian servers were merged or removed. Also it's not fun or viable playing with 300-400 latency in the top end games, as you can imagine all it takes is 1 interrupt to gain an advantage.
Flux's is the laziest way to balance a game, this pretty much put the game on autopilot while ignoring the bigger picture.
Nerfing builds killed the casual scene, the game got too complicated for the masses to form balanced builds that required skill instead of cheesing it with sways, iway or spike builds. You kill the masses, you kill the game. The game became super unappealing for the average pvper.
There was just too many fuck ups by anet that couldn't be undone, they never made 1 good change for the benefit of the game while it was hot.
It's just sad how they neglected this game that could of had a longer lasting pvp scene for atleast a decade.
Sorry for the venting, but playing tombs was one of the best online gaming pvp experiences for me and talking about it makes me nostalgic and sad at the same time, especially wondering where my online pvp friends are at now.
I've only heard of toolbox a few days ago, so can someone explain to me logically how opening a chest from a range is not cheating?, did they intend for chests to be opened at range? definitely not.
People who are defending it are the ones who abuse it and are definitely scared of being banhammered. Same pile of shit as the botters that destroyed the economy of the game because they want every aspect of the game to be easier.
Props to Kromp for not custoing any of those beauties!
7 armbraces for brute
Extensive testing was done a decade ago on unid shields. Nobody bothers to do that anymore.
Need more substantial offers!
First and final bump
Returning to gw briefly to raise some funds to max my z title
storage clean out. Shoot me your best offer!
ALL items are Gold & Non-Inscriptable unless stated
1. lightning spire air staff req10 20/20
2. wingblade req8 13^50 gold
3. runic hammer req8 15^50
4. foehammer req8 15% enchanted
5. warhammer req8 core skin 15^50
6. emblazoned shield dyed black req10 tactics +30hp +10vblunt
7. Inscriptable sun and moon shield req7tact/15armor Gold
8. Inscriptable sun and moon shield req8tact/16armor Gold
9. shadow bow 15/-5e req8
10. shadow bow 15ench req8
11. war axe req8 15^50
12. war axe req8 15^50
13. war axe req8 15^50
14. wingblade req8 15^50
15. wingblade req8 15^50
16. wingblade req8 15^50
17. wingblade req8 15stance
18. falchion req8 15^50
19. falchion req8 15^50
20. falchion req8 15^50
21. gladius req8 15^50
22. gpb req8 15/-5
23. jade sword req8 15/-5
24. spatha 15^50 req8 SOLD INGAME
25. spatha 15^50 req8 SOLD INGAME
26. spatha 15^50 req8
27. forked sword req8 15^50
28. removed
29. short sword req8 15%stance SOLD FOR 90ARMBRACES INGAME TO EK
30. cleaver tyrian req8 15%stance
31. battlepick 15%ench req8
32. wicked blade 15^50 req8
33. felblade 15^50 req8 SOLD INGAME
34. felblade 15^50 req8
35. felblade 15^50 req8
36. chaos axe 15^50 req8 SOLD INGAME
37. chaos axe 15^50 req8
38. chaos axe 15^50 req8
39. shadow blade 15^50 req8
40. shadow blade 15^50 req8
41. shadow blade 15^50 req8
42. felblade 15%stance req8
43. felblade 15%stance req8
44. felblade 15%ench req8
45. flamberge 15^50 req8
46. flameberge 15^50 req8
47. flamberge 15%stance req8
48. spiked axe 15^50 req8
49. spiked axe 15%stance req8
50. chaos axe req8 15%stance
51. great axe 15^50 req8
52. great axe 15^50 req8
53. great axe 15^50 req8
54. zod axe 15^50 req8
56. vertebreaker 15^50 req8 SOLD INGAMERemoved the other sections.
Still focused on selling atleast the multiples of the same skins i have but i will need more substantial offers.
also ive raised enough funds to max my title so i am just going to give this thread another 1.5 weeks.
Leave your IGN or ill pm if the offers satisfy me.
god bless
not looking for a thread, made this topic to suggest adding a sub forum that is visible and easy to navigate to.
nice unconditional! its worth ALOT, certainly what ever you demand or someone is willing to give for it.
Price checking has always been hit and miss, but more so due to the volatility of the market in the past couple years.
Certain categories of oldschool items cannot be accurately estimated due to the fact they might be the only circulating one around.
In this day and age of guild wars these valuable items will be determined by the buyer/seller, price checking these certain items is only to confirm its rarity, a rough estimate from recent anecdotes should be taken lightly.Personal interests like wanting to buy the item or inflating certain categories of item values sometimes happens quite often, nobody should ever take price checks accurately at this stage of the games life.
There shouldn't be a change of rules but perhaps better enforcement, for example i saw the 1st post of a price check that was blatantly undervalued, hours later the original post was edited and the item was sold despite several posts later estimating the value to be much higher.
as the title suggest, maybe a sub forum where people can discuss farming and chestrunning.
125 armbraces on the celestial sword
i would actually wish that they introduced an update to automatically uncustomize an item after 6 months or a year. it may be the best solution to pump a bit of life into the collector scene. there's nothing else to lose on anets part.
1. Market is dead and stagnant for oldschool items, time and time again when i think about it there isn't a good reason to offload oldschool items, this is caused by inflation and the lack of gold sinks in the game, making currencies like armbraces and ectos worthless.
2. Customizing prenerf items has made the market stale, less items moving around, it is basically making certain category of items extinct.
this tied with inflation leads to exorbitant prices on certain remaining items, it's not good for the buyer and especially the seller(imo).it's quite sad to see the games market compared to 10 years ago, but thats a hell alot of time. everythign had a value to it back then.
thanks for the pc's, i was hoping the req7's would be higher, seeing as i did probably pay more than double-triple the armbraces for some of them years ago, guess they are pretty common then.
are armbraces over 100e each?, that shits crazy, last time i played they were still 40e each, seems everything has been inflated or i have just become super rich.
edited top post, um i have no idea how to embed an image on this site.
bump, seems like there is a lack of req8's let alone req7's on the market, does anyone have a rough idea how much a generic 15^50 req8 goes for?
edit: 17/08 Added most of the ones im unsure about, crossed out ones i have a rough idea. but the prices seem quite rediculous.