Not topic but if you'd like an old-school r9 15>50 to class things up a bit drop me a line
O Kabongolina O
Not topic but if you'd like an old-school r9 15>50 to class things up a bit drop me a line
O Kabongolina O
Well the "Def Akat" part sounds like she's pooping. I won't attach a picture.
The sound of a hammer mashing something? Kabong.
Make it female cause that's how the character is? Kabongolina.
The shape a hammer that is circular in cross-section makes when mashing something? O.
O Kabongolina O
Next character:
To forcefully place something: stuff...cram...JAM.
An animal for carrying things?
Next character:
A woman against whom resistance is futile: Dominatrix
To make poop: Defecate
A woman who dominates by making poop:
Def Akatrix.
There's 3.
q7 7-15 Ruby Daggers (BLUE) s/b 25e
q9 Morning Star Axe 15/-1 vamp - 30e
q11 Jade Axe 15/-1 vamp - 15e
Thanks for trade
Thanks for trade
Thanks for trade
Hammerwise, I believe Jormungand's Thunder is probably the hardest to find. The Hammer of Justice usually generates a fair but of interest.
Thanks for trade
Enchanted Krystal : Great minds think alike... here is my IW Mez's set, reaching back to the time before Tactics stances were changed, when a Mez could really pretend to be a warrior
Check out the oldschool bar while we're at it:
I am a PhD member alluded to in the incendiary accusatory post by Arch Fiend, which he has based on one-sided, second- hand information.
I contributed factual knowledge of a previous sale involving one of these items. I also specifically told the seller that just because an item was sold for a given amount once, there is no guarantee that will happen again, and that it will likely take some time to achieve a good sale.
This is an honest, informative and thoughtful response to the sort of question I usually don't answer...and this is a good example of why I have adopted that stance.
I also indicated that max armor insc magmas and max dmg insc fellblades do not exist in gold. Again, factual and accurate.
The accusations made by the OP are false. I made no statements about numerical values of any other item involved in this trade. I certainly don't know what a yeti is worth, as minipets are the furthest thing from my guildwars consciousness.
I'm sorry that someone ended up unhappy with their trading decision but proudly stand by the information I provided when asked. My input was simple, brief, factual and accurate, and that's all you could ever hope for. You're welcome.
It's always been one of the tougher skins to find, but not impossible. For instance, I once had 3 r8 15>50s at the same time. One resides in my collection (We can arrange for you to see it ingame sometime if you are interested in this skin now). One went to Don Corleone, who was a good friend and, for all his success and the manner in which he accomplished it, will always be the greatest r8 15>50 collector in my opinion. The other went to some other collector lucky enough to bump into me at the right time 😆⬇️⬇️
All that having been said, it's an unusual skin that you don't see much at all anymore. If you love "naked" items I think it should be very dear to you.
I can only give you this historical perspective. I have no information about potential price or whether this skin can still drop. I leave that stuff to others.
I live in the land of giant muffins.
MASHED potato.
For trades over 1750a you can either use a middleman (as previously stated) or use one or more items with agreed-upon value of over 250a in the trade window to raise the total value to the desired level. Just a thought
Sorry. Missed the sarcasm. Too much actual unpleasantness on this board recently.
Any reasonable person can understand how suspicion of rmt could arise after Max's acquisition. For whatever it's worth, I believe MaxBorken has an impeccable reputation that speaks for itself and I believe his account of the events.
In general, the use of external resources to increase one's ability to accomplish dishonestly what one could not, or chose not to, accomplish without this external assistance, is cheating.
This is not the discussion forum so I will leave further discussion for its rightful place.
More collections, please!
I guess anyone could
But that would diminish things, no?
Part of the beauty of these items is how they carry the history of the game, both personally and in a broader sense.
Besides the obvious recollection of distant times when items like this were still possible, this item now embodies, for Max, a tangible reminder of the the friendships that allowed him to acquire it.
RMT serves as a reminder that people cheat and hurts the game. It's a little different, right?
Congratulations, again.
What I find cool about that axe is it is the lowest possible damage for an Axe that has DMG 6 as the lower limit...
Dr. Kabong says:
Intellectualization is a 'flight into reason', where the person avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic. The situation is treated as an interesting problem that engages the person on a rational basis, whilst the emotional aspects are completely ignored as being irrelevant....
A part of this community has really gone a long way and put a lot of effort into turning lemons into lemonade 😁
(Don't be offended. I am always amazed at the variety of things people find to enjoy in this game. Our knowledge is always growing and that's awesome after however many years it's been.)
Bo r13 str echo and r9 reaver
Friendly fyi: they don't exist with prot req.
R13 echo 50e
Illu cock 9a
Bladed 45s/10earth 3a
Don't tell me I can't have these.
While I commend shotcaller in upholding the liberty of free men to bid freely and the provision of many beautiful options from which our beloved OP may freely select at the chosen, far-distant moment, I feel compelled to acknowledge the bid of 7a on the Illu cock staff made by my old friend, Coffee.
I will also add 1 arm, 3k and 37gp to the menagerie.
This has turned into the most liberating auction I have ever seen and I am thankful for the opportunity to participate.
I would also like to bid 1gold piece on the Illu cock staff.
This is a legitimate offer because I am even more interested in making this purchase at this price than I am in consummating my other offer
I do not want to bully anyone by replacing my previous offer with this current one. That might make OP feel like thaey've been figuratively shoved in figurative locker. So my offers are now 3e OR 1gp.
I don't believe there are any rules against having 2 active bids on the same item and this helps preserve all of our liberties.
There are a couple of rules written around the term "outbid" but that's not defined so I don't know if it applies. No one else from a trading guild is bidding on this staff so I don't consider myself out-anythinged.
5e on the shadow shield.
I am offering 3e on the Illu cock staff.
I am legitimately interested in making this purchase at this price; this is a legitimate bid.
There is no rule stating that a bid must be higher than preceding bids and the seller will surely not be bullied by the moderators or other users of this forum to accept a non-PhD bid just because it is higher. This is, after all, a PhD bid.
The moderator has shown us that only the letter of the law matters. The spirit and intention of the rules (as well as some inflammatory comments by the OP) can and will be ignored if the letter of the law is upheld.
By the letter of the law this post breaks no rules and I expect no moderation to occur.
Illu cock staff 1e.
to address accusations of bullying:
-I placed an offer.
-after being told by OP that there was "wiggle room" built into the auction rules, I asked if the timing of the auction could be shortened.
-i was told no.
-i initially left the bid as it was.
-a day or two later I retracted because resources were spent elsewhere.
This resulted in the OP singling out my guild and accusing me of bullying.
Pure silliness? Sour grapes? Not sure, but certainly inappropriate and unwarranted.
I have messaged the OP privately and will happily remove this when derogatory comments and unsubstantiated accusations directed towards myself and my guild are removed by OP.