Posts by ishalldefend
Bump. This will be running for another week or two, at which point the items will be sold to the highest bidders.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
Any other opinions?
Hi, and thank you in advance.
Looks like another 24 hours has passed, according to time stamp. So bump
Hello, and welcome to my selling thread! S/B for each item is 5e. I will likely add in some B/Os later.
Happy bidding!
Q8 non-max and others:
1. C/O - B/O - 10e
C/O - 25e (Agent Chevy) B/O - 50eB/O of 50e taken by Agent Chevy. Trade completed.3. C/O - B/O - 10e
4. C/O - 50e (IvoryR) B/O - 75e
C/O - 20e (jack l eventreur) B/O - 50eTrade completed (20e).Martial weapons:
A. C/O - B/O - 10e
B. C/O - B/O - 10e
C. C/O - B/O - 10e
6. C/O - B/O - 10e
7. C/O - B/O - 50e
8. C/O - B/O - 10e
C/O - B/O - 10e- B/O taken by Tutz - trade completed10. C/O - B/O - 10e
11. C/O - B/O - 10e
12. C/O - B/O - 10e
13. C/O - B/O - 10e
14. C/O - B/O - 10e
15. C/O - B/O - 10e
16. C/O - B/O - 10e
C/O - B/O - 10eB/O taken by Pleikki. Trade completed.18. C/O - B/O - 10e
19. C/O - B/O - 10e
20. C/O - 50e (Aliana) B/O - 100eTrade completed (50e).21.
C/O - B/O - 10eSOLD for 10e22. C/O - B/O - 10e
Inscribable skins without inscription slot:
23. C/O - B/O -
24. C/O - B/O -
New highest energy value for a Q1 staff! Dropped in pre - not sure if it was a boss or non-boss charr.
Thanks in advance!
Option 1 sounds good!
I vote for all items droppable in pre to be authorized! This could include items actually dropped in post, but with stat ranges within the pre limits. Players could post pictures of their gear to verify its acceptability. I can assist in such verification.
Sounds awesome!
Just a few things:
There's an armor upgrade available in Pre-Searing. Would players be able to use that?Some additional pets are available in Pre-Searing, as well. They include warthogs, striders, and wolves.
If you search on google, there's an option to "translate this page:"
Hey, just found a new max damage for Q1 bows. Dropped from lvl 8 charr hunter in pre, in northlands (+didn't ID it this time!).
basically the essentials have been said. I´d like to add little details as to how could be tested and what is worth the effort to do so:
id all purples, all shields, foci, wands, q8 max items
test all martial weps out of town (while chestrunning) for -1HP reg, -1Ene reg, caster - if negative: sell, if positive: decide (for the -regen ones hit a foe to check if it´s zeal/vamp) sell as unid unless it´s easy to sell or high value (keep in mind -regen could also be 14% ones which would reduce value)
decide with staves - usually I id all q9 and all of rare skin
sell all other golds as unids
sell everything gold as unid (or if you care check for shield 45HPwE, 30HP, Vamp Scythe and HSR Foci)
id and merch any purples
just keep those that´d be worth somthing like q9 magmas etc - you get the point
presearing (my advice - I just don´t care enough to differentiate and rather just id everything):
way more difficult, but yes - there are mods worth 10a which justifies the effort maybe
id all foci
check all wands/staves for Ene mods and for HSR, HCT and +1attr mods (by using proper proff skills 10 times - by the skin you can tell proffession and for each proffession there´s just one valueable attr - so test this only) - HSR and +1 id, hct depending on attr
martial weps with high DMG go to lvl0s worms attack and note the number of the crit - you can calculate back the added percentage to the given base dmg and since there is no slaying mod that triggers on worms you can be sure it´s the inherent. if you are not satisfied - sell as unid (on an auction)
any other martial wep do the same on a charr mob - if there´s additional dmg check the worms - if there´s none: id, since you have a charr mod. if there is - check if different or same percentage (roughly - 10%tolerance) if different - again a charrmod, if not can sell unid
shields get yourself a charr axe mob and wait for executioners strike - if reduced dmg id, if not sell
note: difficult since you have to know the mechanics of how dmg is calculated, but once you got the hang of it, it´s straightforward - even though I doubt it´d be worth the effort, just saying it can be done ;D
And I highly doubt said person is really doing this, but some presortement that keeps items with higher chances for higher values is sure possible (e.g. keep all highDMG ones and just sell low DMG, or keep high HSR staves and sell low ones, keep all foci...) I mean that´s the obvious approach
Thanks! That's very informative.
It appears that the recent update to the website may have wreaked havoc on the organization of the table...
***mod edit---er, yeah, most of the old formatting didnt move well....will pm Red to see if he can put together a new version---mod edit****
Windows Defender says that the download in that link contains a trojan. Could that be right? Anyone know where I could find GW toolbox ++?
Is it possible, through some sort of bug or exploit, to find out the stats of an unidentified item before it's been identified?
I'm asking because I've been buying some unidentified purple items from people in presearing - quite large amounts. From most people I get at least something valuable, but this one particular person has sold me a lot of items, and they've all been crap. It could just be RNG, but I'm starting to get suspicious.
Any insight into this potential scam would be appreciated.
I know it's quite a few items - Thanks in advance.
Nice one - I'd say at least 10bd.
Just curious - why not post this on the presearing website?
Dammit.. this is mind blowing... wish you'd have left it unid, but too late. It dropping from your sources (bandits/alain) seems unlikely yet possible. Is it possible it came from a hidden stash or an innocent aloe seed along the way? I did do 2000kills killing all kinds of lvl 0-3 mobs, but nothing so far (but I only had a hand full of axes drop and just one of them had a value of 1g while unid. If you still have the axe I'll buy it for 5k (pre) if anyone has one in those stats unid/white I'll pay 1bd. And help me find out where to drop them!
Thanks a lot for the contribution - glad there's still ppl who care!It definitely dropped from bandits/alain. There's no chance it came from anywhere else. If I come across another, I'll make sure to leave it unid.
Thanks for the offer to buy it, but seeing as it's potentially quite rare, I'd like to keep it for now. I'm happy to show it to you in trade, though, if you'd like. My IGN for presearing is I Shall Defend.
Close pls - Sold to... I forget who.... for 120e.
****mod edit---do not bump your thread to close it---this pushes another open thread off the first page. EDIT your top post to say CLOSED---this is a warning--please read the Xunlai Market Rules!!!!!!!!!---mod edit****
Bump --
This auction will run for perhaps 2 more weeks at the most.
I believe this takes the prize for lowest-damage axe -
It dropped in Presearing, from either a level three Bandit Blood Sworn or the bandit called Alain, who is also level three.
Bump - Let's see those offers!
C/O - 100e (DafeKaboom)
B/O - Later
SOLD for 120e
****mod edit--do not bump your thread to close it---mod edit***
Hey! Thanks for stopping by to look at my thread!
I'm pretty inexperienced in terms of pricing for such items, so please let me know what I've got here.