Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
i would merch all.
Tip: Always wait for more opinions when someone else would merch all
Shining Maul 20-25e
Eerie Staff 30e+, maybe more
White Reaver - I would recommend to post for sale and look for interest, I may be the only one interested but won't PC it here for conflict of interest.
Don't merch the shining maul and the Eerie communing.
I'd say:
Shining Maul - 15-20e
Eerie Staff - 20e to 40e depending on interest
The white reaver is hard to say as it is not max damage...
maul 5-20e tops imo, IF u can sell it, imo os hammers are very hard to sell
eerie staff q9 20/20 20-50e+
the white reaver might get some attention, i would always recommend to give gold q8 non max dmg stuff a go. There are ppl around who might be interested! you can still merch it if there is no interest. price is hard to tell, i personally would be happy with 10-50e but depending on interest it might even go higher