16 2a
Which farm? I have a q10 tac round version for you Blind Was My Fury
16 2a
Which farm? I have a q10 tac round version for you Blind Was My Fury
Have you considered writing threads on here about your research? a wiki user page is not particularly easy to find, furthermore people may not even know to search for things like that in the first place.
you mention these things so casually, yet this might be complete news to many people
My research is very niche and I think doesn't need to be searchable. I just wanted a place to park the info, to which I can point as an introduction when I meet someone who is interested. I think a wiki is a better place for that, than a trading forum (and if any wiki user cares to verify my info, it can easily be copied to the main pages). The "research" section on this forum is not healthy anyway, it's basically a few people answering questions from players who don't have any info of their own to offer, and a lot of questions that would benefit botting (which, unlike most traders/collectors, I am vehemently against).
If you like a topic and make the effort to dive into it, you will meet like-minded players. There are so many things in GW that are complete news to many people (also to me). That's one of the reasons I love this game.
can you explain further? i've never heard about this and the screenshot does not clarify it for me
There is a difference between pre- and post-nerf weapons regarding weapon base damage when you don't meet its mastery requirement. Basically, their actual dmg ranges are different. The screenshot shows that the post-nerf versions deal the expected amount of dmg, 10 for the bow and 8 for the sword. That's the exact value you get if you put all the shown variables into the standard dmg calculation formula.
The screenshot also shows that the pre-nerf versions don't deal the expected amount of dmg. They deal more dmg. Weapons that drop nowadays can never do that.
Let me know if you're interested how to do those calculations. It will take more than 6 minutes to understand, though.
Where'd that healing prayers wooden inscribed chakram come from
I'm not sure tbh. The req and energy do put it in Maguuma area, and the mismatch between name and skin suggest it's a non-randomly generated item. Maybe from this quest, or from Caprice, before this update.
Thanks for offers. Kinda overlooked that the mods list was still in the original post. I had to go and check which ones were still there which took a long time because i did not organise my storage
Sale will end on Sunday evening, i.e. in 45 hours from now.
After that I will contact you if the bid is ok.
Out of curiosity: Where did you get this numbers from? did you collect them yourself?
Yea, I've been collecting data for years. I posted some of it on the wiki if you're interested.
this little beauty
would definitely win the favorite drop poll!
suntouched, goldleaf 5a each
#42, 44, 45, 78: 25e each
Eight useless dead staffs during my dead staff farm today, but a skeleton mesmer was kind enough to drop me this. Surprisingly I didn't have that mod combo yet, and it's even the rarer mod order which is always nice to see. A good day after all
Nope, it's all in your head.
You will find a lot of people agreeing with you. One thing they have in common is that they don't have the data to prove it.
the qualitiy of my drops
a semi usable OS shield
Both subjective and vague, thinking in those terms allows the psychological effect to happen, seeing patterns in randomness. The only prerequisite is a low probability for your preferred event. For the average hard mode chest, the probability of any gold dual mod shield (regardless of which mods) is around 0.6%, meaning you get one in every 158 chests on average. Then you further reduce your chances by only preferring certain mods (I wrote a little about that subject here). You can imagine, with your own weekly chest running rate, the difference between completely normal rng variation results in a "lucky" week with 10 good drops, or an "unlucky" stretch of 5 weeks or more. From my own chest running data, I can confirm Red's statement that there is no correlation between good drops and time spent on the run. I can also confirm that it really does feel as if my drops are better when starting a new type of run or farm
If anyone has further insights, I kindly ask them to also explain to me why I always end up in the slow line at the supermarket checkout, why it only rains during my weekends when I planned to be outside, and why the restaurant has always just run out of the menu item I really wanted...
6 (and 10) 1a
i know its not what you're looking for but on the off chance: -
Hi, thanks for checking! Indeed I already have that mod combo, so not looking for that one anymore.
1a each on:
ghostly q9 20/10
q10 jeweled chalice 20/20
q12 inscribed 45/+5
q9 inscribed +5/+15-1
inactivity retract
I always wondered why the Elonian Blade doesn't come in the exotic skin, like the Elonian Daggers do. After all this time, I finally noticed the "sword" version does exist
20/18 is max for purple
Would like to see a q7 purple with 20% hsr.
Until then, don't merch.
Duration rounding is quite complicated, there is no easy single rule that predicts all cases. The wiki is wrong/incomplete on this subject (surprise surprise...)
What's definitely true:
- Effect durations are rounded to whole seconds
- Casting time durations are rounded to smaller than seconds (probably milliseconds)
For the rest, the rounding seems to depend on the source of modification. Rounding can be:
- always up
- always down
- half to even (which makes no sense at all but that's a different discussion)
- any of the above with the added requirement of at least 1 second difference
- additional rules when the result is 0 or 1 second
For example, let's compare a +20% enchanting weapon mod and the skill Blessed Aura at 6 DF also giving +20%. If you cast a 1-second enchant with Blessed Aura, the result is 1 s duration. But if you cast it with an enchanting mod, the result is 2 s. The enchanting mod has the requirement of at least adding 1 s to the original duration.
To complicate things further, when multiple sources are stacked, sometimes only the end result is rounded, and sometimes rounding is applied in between calculation as well.
The famous example of this is the infinite enchantment duration exploit, which works because the result of the Air effect is rounded before Mark is applied.
So in my experience, it's best to test each source in game, which fortunately is easy to do in most cases.
Embossed 150e