shadow blade maybe 5-10e (might be a tough sale though)
everything else is definitely merch food
shadow blade maybe 5-10e (might be a tough sale though)
everything else is definitely merch food
Jade daggers & hooked daggers: 250e/ea
I7 I8 I9: 150e/ea
I7 I8 I9 I10
1arm each
Hypnotic Staff q9 20/20 illusion
Pm me with an offer if interested
There is a q13 on market currently that nobody seems to buy for 5a. And q13 seems to be at least a bit more wanted than q11.
I had a c/o of 10a on q9tac same mods for a while without anyone offering more.
I‘d guess 100-200e max for this one + you shouldnt early bump ur threads
Who's got the balls to tag them all in here and stir some shit?
I actually recorded some clips (been a while) of some bots (pongmei, chance encounter, dragon moss) a while ago and actually thought about uploading it. But I'm not gonna do that unless there will be any consequences for those that are seen in the video (with consequences I mean a forum blacklist, forum bans or anything like that).
But uploading stuff like that just for the drama is not gonna help anyone...
Back to the original question of this thread:
1. I don't think trading with botters/gold sellers is the most ethical thing to do, since it ruins the (fun in the) game for others. Not gonna get too much into detail here since I'm sure you all know various reasons for why that's the case.
2. I don't think there's a way to guarantee that you're following an ethical way of trading when it comes to the idea of not interacting with or supporting bots.
Imho the best you could do on a personal level is either to A) not buy anything at all from the public market anymore (as mentioned before), or B) finding your own way of identifying "suspicious individuals" and just not interacting with them.
If you keep buying/selling items here or in kamadan at some point you'll be interacting with someone botting or reselling botted items anyway. I personally think it's alright to just keep your eyes open and stay away from "the extremes" which you can easily identify even in this forum.
Sotw q9 30 -5/20 3arms
You might wanna hit up the "chestrunners corner" of this forum. There's a bunch of different routes explained with drop tables and so on.
I can tell you from my experience that over the long term only running one route all the time gets reaaaaally boring.
If you're looking for the straight up fastest I'd assume that the one starting at borealis station (& only opening the first chest) might be your go to. But as Jodel said, pongmei has a much bigger potential for nice drops and is nearly as fast or similar.
When it comes to doing all 4 titles at once: I'd suggest hitting up HM for a while to work on chestrunners title, wisdom and unlucky (& slowly on lucky). Pongmei NM is great for lucky title and also gives you some stuff to ID but unfortunately the canthan chests don't count towards treasure hunter.
GL on your journey
9. aegis: 250e
New q9 Echo 420e.
A heads up when r/b b/o is published would be appreciated:)
Celestial 350e
it's called dual vamp (DV for short).
it‘s called that because on most items you can add a vampiric mod to get a -2 health degen. Which in case of the FDS is not the case.
The mod in general is pretty desireable though and people will sure bid on it.
Not gonna be a lot though because of the req & the mentioned inability to add a vamp mod to a FIERY dragon sword:)
Celestial q930/10: 250e
retract. gl
...and I'm still waiting for the first perfect tatooed scimitar to drop...
didnt GhostKairi drop one couple years ago? or was that a 15-21 or something? Can't really remember
TongTong I'm not really into that skin. Thanks for the offer tho.
botted, overfarmed, call it what you want. the req doesn't really help either.
Besides 45/-2e I see people struggling even getting good offers for req9s...
I'd go for 1-3arms max. Wait for more opinions tho
it is tyrian. canthans only drop gold in max damage.
I think I've recently seen people offer something like 800e for a q11 14^50 crysta recently.
Assuming that serpent is less wanted but req9 > 11 by a lot I'd aim for 800-1200e. Depending on how many people interested maybe more. You'll find out if you auction it for a few days.
Regardless of mods, nice drop! I think that Strength Bucklers are rarer than a lot of people realize (especially Gold), they may be as rare as those pesky Spiked Clubs and since they drop from the same area, they both cause the same headaches farming for them.
They drop from those new year shing yea foes in HM right?
/edit: Thanks Agent Chevy
First (or second?) dual moded str wooden ever for me and this is what l get
damn I actually forgot these could come with a str req
68: 50e
A1: 100e
IG: Mrs Larkin
sotw q9 -2/+30: raise my offer to 150e
please let me know if that's enough for you to sell. Automatically retract within 48hrs otherwise. TY
S19 7a
S34 3a
Thanks for the offer but I‘m not into blues:)
title says it all.
let me know what u guys think please - I appreciate the help.