Oni blade and gloom shield ty
Posts by Cloud Strife
Mr. Clean(-Value) thanks
Ended up sellin ig for 35e
Magmas +1 Illssion Plz and Thanks
This is Pure Art, nice man
The Pain...
Congrats on R3 man Kugiini .. Right now I'm almost done with Elona NM then onto HM. Just like you I'm doing all the quest too. Idk if I'll catch up to you but if I do, I'm definitely down to play together.
I'll let go of it 2morrow to the highest bidder
I should include builds too, that's an awesome idea. bsoltan
So this is the main build I've been using to this point. The Cap Sig obviously to cap Elites in the different zones.
As far as heroes, I basically soloed Istan island unless I needed a hero for a mission/quest. So far on the main Land I've been 5 manning everything but missions, and only adding the hero needed for main/side quests to make it a 6 man team for that quest.
Main Build Used at This Point
Main Hero's and Their Build's Used at This Point
So I hit survivor R2 last night. The journey so far is really fun. I'm doing all the side quest I see and really learning more about the game that I never paid attention to 15 years ago. Like I never knew Koss had a sister . But yeah so far so good, a couple close calls but I'm still alive...Stay tuned
Survivor Rank 2
Most Used Weapon Sets at This PointGold Accumulated at This Point 169,749
(so to calculate the total gold I accumulate, I subtract every time I spend on anything. and add up the total amount subtracted to the total amount that I'm currently holding. and I am not using gold from the bank only freshly picked/merch gold) Seven and Thanks
B/O wayward death
75e Dom zodiac staff