q9 Tactics Outcast Shield +30HP -5/20 17a
q9 Silverwing 14-28 3a
q9 Tactics Outcast Shield +30HP -5/20 17a
q9 Silverwing 14-28 3a
My first one I did by death leveling, thank goodness the other 4 since were by Vanguard
i did half my first death lvl'n gave up due to shitty internet way back then. all the rest were vanguard i've probably done over 30 ldoa's in all my years so far.
Did you do ldoa in 40 seconds?
Gratz my guy :heart:
quickest i've seen is 4hrs. I've done it in 6hrs. can't do that anymore they nerfed it lol
imgur is what you need lol
150e charr
125e charr
85e charr
55e charr
45e charr
some people have good connections & get stuff for great prices. we are the suckers that buy them. some as irl deal with it...
ad to be purple huh !
all mine are always single mods lol
crude charr 3a
105a Runic
why doesn't he send me stupid stuff like this? I'd love to troll him over my acc's hahaha
r/b both S1 & S2
10a Axe
S1 11a
S2 6a
Axe 10a
S1 9a
S2 6a
Axe 10a