Posts by Hairy Knight
Hey, Red. I didn't get the Unid value down. I'll make sure to get that next time haha. I am farming here a bit lately.
Last month I was doing a bit of Grenth's Footprint for SSS/SWS. Everything was pretty terrible but it's a nice run for those skins.
I completely slacked off last week.
Tbh was doing mostly Kornan chest running or doing lowbie areas on Istan.
I will do it this week though! I hope.
Bladed shield q10 str -2wE +10 demons 40e
Tall shield q11 tac -2wE +10 vs demon 30e
Skeleton shield q13 tac +10vs demon -2wE 25e
Defender q11 str +10vs plants +45wE 25e
Defender q10 str +10 demons -2wE 50e
SOtW q11 tac -2wE +10 vs demon 30e
Ornate buckler q10 tac-2wE +10 demon 30e
Aegis q9 tac +10 vs demon -2wE - 100e
Yes, I would merch.
U6 50e
I5 100e
I4 250e
I10 100e
B/O #10
<--- IGN
Unded Destroyer 20a
This was a nice find today.
While I can appreciate a short and succinct answer, I want to extend this line of reasoning.
If you're selling an item, Item A for example. In the last 24 hours, the bids for Item A jumped from 5a to 30a. You know all of the bidders in that period have earned their proceeds from botting. Do you sell it to the winner that bid 30a or to the bidder that bid 5a?
I don't think there are any easy answers to this question.
I know there's already a thread out there discussing bots and the pros/cons they serve at the current stage of the game. I felt this was different enough to warrant a new thread.
I made a post yesterday in the "How did Guild Wars treat you today?" thread specifically mentioning that I often come across people during my travels as opposed to bots, when I am mindlessly farming/chest running. Well, a friend contacted me, and he was essentially naming names -- left, right and centre. While I will not mention any names, it was a bit of a downer. And this thread is not about whether any of those claims are true. I want to put that all to the side for now.
I want to come at this from the optics of ethical trading. And I want to raise this question purely to gain perspective, because I feel like I need some outsider perspective before I can truly cement my opinion on this.
If you suspect/know a seller bots, do you feel it is ethical to bid/purchase an item from them?
I know this thread is going to rile some feathers. For those that use bots, I hope you'll reconsider. Not only do bots devalue the accomplishments of other players in-game, they also devalue those of the one using the bots.
I haven't forgotten! Celestials from HM Mantid farming. Only two dual-modded shields.
Yes, a double post but on-topic.
Just on my way to the treasure chest in Issnur Isles. Yes, it's off by two but still so rare to see a gold one drop. Wish it was max though but still keeping it. Dropped by a lvl 14 bladed termite.
If you need help with this mission, I am willing to come along.
<---- IGN
Appreciate that Knight, cant really tell an average/per day, i'm a chef irl so i work pretty late pretty much every day, i chestrun with music to relax and watch some series, i can tell you that since i started pongmei i did over 15k lockpicks, all NM, i like the grind and gamble aspect in NM since it's so rare to get something good/ insanely good, i tried HM but it's more screen intensive and i really hype when i see a Q8 drop, did only like 4 stacks of lockpicks in HM, so no, i don't switch it up anymore.
Thank you, Miles. I used to do a lot of Pongmei years ago but not as much as you. I stopped because I eventually got bored of it, and I was playing the game on/off. Now I mostly run Barbarous Shore with some other areas sprinkled in.
I encounter a lot of people in-game on my travels and I enjoy seeing people getting nice items. And contrary to popular believe, I see a lot of people in popular farm spots as opposed to bots.
I hope they don't mind but this is probably the most creative name I've seen recently while Mantid farming:
Speaking of Mantids, sometimes they can be quite generous:
I've enjoyed seeing your posts recently. You obviously run NM Pongmei quite a bit. How many chests do you average in a day? Do you always do NM or do you switch it up?
#1 5e
#14 20e
#16 30e
#35 40e
#38 50e
#42 25e
Nothing amazing but some finds from Caverns Below Kamadan/Zehlon Reach runs.
I found this somewhat interesting. A lockpick dropping from a lvl 11 Corsair Lookout in the Caverns. So these mobs drop lockpicks like EoTN mobs.
#1 5e
#14 20e
#16 10e
#35 20e
#38 35e
#42 25e
Ornate q12t, +10vs demons -2we 40e
#1 5e
#16 10e
#38 25e
#42 25e
That makes 2 of us! Tattooed > Colossal
Closest I got was a gold r8 14-20 Tattooed. I know that's a ways off but I was still pretty upset at the time. That Barbarous Shore is calling out to me.
10k #1
For my baby mesmer.