last fight on gloom? :p 6hours to end if not more bids (00:00 madrid)
last fight on gloom? :p 6hours to end if not more bids (00:00 madrid)
wow i curse the day i didn't have 70a to buy the cele sword q7 15-22
let's raise prices let's loot the rich haha
better than my golds
bump! update, some shields has been remplaced
water shadow staff 2020 pending delivery
echos can drop q7 too :p
does exist a purple blue non collector weapong with +5e like dualv/dualz?
does exist a gold +4e inerent prenerf ultra old weapon? xD
1a on number 2
actual items with c/o sold next bump if not more bids
still possible, sadly i ddnt have a gold one :p
add low gold focuses again, and some insc and os stave
tricolor set removed near to be completed, sorry
write me when u want PyroLobster for wooden
3 days for triciolor set if not more full or individual bids, vdefender tri near
ancient sold
q5 str wooden will go with pyro next bump if no one more has interest
thanks for bids
more items soon, with section of objects without picking up
last day for ancient, will sell it tomorrow if not more bids thanks
add again istani and q5/13 str wooden 10 plants/-2enc