Merry Xmas all. Sold the big boys, will probably close up shop if offers dont liven up a bit since I dont need to sell much more.
Merry Xmas all. Sold the big boys, will probably close up shop if offers dont liven up a bit since I dont need to sell much more.
30a sephis sword!
Sold Crysta & few other things + updated 1st page
I'm "quitting" and liquidating most of my stuff for the hell of it - maybe ill buy a really awesome minipet or just sit on a bunch of cash forever, maybe ill buy tormented weapons for every hero on every character, not sure! I know some of these have a lot of interested parties, so if there is something you desperately want then just message me and we can sort it out. Looking to sell relatively fast so yeah.
For the moment the Crysta and Dwarven are reserved for someone, however I need to contact them to confirm and will update here once I find out.
Huge thanks to Looney & Agent Chevy for helping me add a huge amount to my collection tonight!
b/o ded dhuum
Ign <----
If anyone wants something I would advise to bid promptly since I do not have patience and sell most things as soon as a bid comes in and I find you online
Retract didn't see enchant mod
nothing more to do then
Where did it drop?
I'm sorry oh great drop overlord it came from vultures chest run!
Thanks to idjut for allowing me to cross Tall Shield off my list, finally removed a core skin yippy!!
Had this drop a couple days ago and didnt want to ID it.
Finally did today and wish I didnt ID it lol. I know its still a req8, but at this point all I want is the best of the best, anything else is trash to me xD
One day I will get one skin that'll be the first +5 of its kind, but until then, this trash will do
b/o q8 echo
Ign <---
I am toying with the idea of maxing Zrank so might sell this off to get funds and wanna know what I can expect although I am not sure just yet.
I have had offers in the XXXa range but I don't have any ways to verify if they where true or justify the value of it.
Thanks in advance wise ones
if memory serves me right the last q8 I saw it this sold for 100-150a but that was more then a year ago, possibly 2-3. Q6 is a undesired req but it's still incredibly rare. I would not be surprised if it went 200+ with the correct interest.
Got these 2 Items while doing The Frostgate Mission in HM ... The Crude got my Heart jumping .... sadly just for a short time
I had my heart broke by a crude today too!
But then it was promptly fixed..... kind off...... not really.....
got these so far from Tascas
Please god get a +30 -3 and promptly send it my way!
Ill take the q8 Militia & q8 Oaken please Vizi
Display MoreI finished 1000 chests at Vulture drifts normal mode today, i think i mustve broken record for q8 drops, i had total 13 q8 drops from 1000 chests, meaning 1,3% drops were max q8s! From 13 q8s 2 were shields, 11 offhands as u can see from the image.
Overall drop statistics also show that this area especialy has alot greater changes for q8 drops then any area ive ran in cantha, from all drops statistics for the "Possible q8 items were: 6.5% swords 4,4% Shields 17% offhands from all drops!
Here q8s i had:
With last 1000, now since february i have ran and logged total 5000 normal mode chests for q8s!
From those 5000 ive had total 44 q8's ! From those 11 Were golds and 33 purples (25% golds)
38 were offhands, 6 were shields (15.7% shields)
And for Swords, shields & offhands total avg from all areas drop rates were:
5000 chests total:
243 swords, 196 shields 674 offhands
4.86% swords 3.92% shields 13,48% offhands-Pleikki
Great research Pleikki, it really is a huge help to all of us! What is your next area to test? I assume you will test all areas possible until you find the "definitive" area to run for Q8?
vanquish 4 area in Maguuma Jungle, drop this one... another wth
+- +- +- i'm confused
Thats a brilliant focus! I actually have one very similar, or at least similarly as useless! xD
so close... I remember a q8 18/10/11-21 20hct fire staff of myself... I still enjoyed it
They are sadly still keepers xD
Low level chest running strikes again >.>
I had literally destroyed the q8 SSS/SWS market before I got that sword haha. I think I sold it for 40a if I remember although I did have an offer of 50a past that iirc, not that it matters.
Personally I don't rate fronis as worth it because it's so hard to sell those skins now in regards to how long it takes to get them. I still have many of them just over all my characters.
The chance for anything different is also incredibly low, the stone summit literally only drop the shields, and the swords come from the 2 lone stonewolves in that mission (as well as non stone summit skins) so your chance is astronomically low to get anything worth while.
For your time your much better farming darkwing/enamled in Battledepths.
Display MoreNice topic!
I can say from my statistics that nm and hm drops work exactly the same, but the intersection set of levels is rather low - esp regarding the fact that technically everything above and including lvl 24 works exactly the same (they have cut the upper limits for drops or we'd have a situation as in pre, where there are a hand full of pre max dmg hammers after many years into the game). Regarding the q8 topic the question is even more difficult since regular mobs start at lvl 22 in hm, which cannot drop any q8. So as you properly pointed there is only a hand full of quests that spawn lvl 20 foes.
That being said - I didn't farm any of those particular foes nor did I record a q8 gold/prpl item elsewhere in hm.
But I am 100% convinced that lvl 20 in hm works just like lvl 20 in nm and thus can drop q8. I'll leave a little statistics here:
The chance for a q8 max sword is around 1 in 5500 gold/purple sword drops. That means after having farmed 5500 gold/prpl swords you can expect to statistically have one to be max q8. The chance you have actually had one drop by then is around 63% (1-1/e for any mathematicians). If you'd want to have 99% certainty that'd mean you'd have to farm for 25000 g/p swords. So if I assume a sword drop rate such that you get a sword in 5% of the runs (is that approximately correct?) And a run taking 3min (I think that is rather optimistic including rezone etc - what would you put?) You'd have to farm that single spot for 3years. 24h a day 7days a week all year.
For foci those numbers are significantly smaller, if trying to prove hm can drop max q8 by actually dropping one I'd search for a mob that meets the criteria but drops foci (no clue if such exists).
Other than that: since nf was introduced nothing regarding dmg ranges and reqs of drops changed, so the dead swords insc q8 that exist would prove the point just as the independent drop of gold q8 items and max dmg items from the same mobs do. But I understand your curiosity to actually see one dropping and will look into proper quests myself when I find time - I mean a higher rare item drop rate is intriguing as well as farming for that one drop...
Such wise insight as always Red, much appreciated and your reasoning has me very hopeful. I started testing the Courier Crises but promptly found out they are not level 20 in HM which was sad. I am going to work on getting my Dervish further into NF to test the Slave Spirits since they can drop Focuses as you suggest which would prove the question at hand.
Your point about Dead Swords rings true, I think the biggest issue is that AoE farming was nerfed very shortly after HM was introduced which made everything much harder - especially Slave Spirits.
Your statistics (Which I trust with absolution!) make sense when it comes to farming those swords, since even over 10k runs I am very sure that I have not even come close to 1k sword drops even with blue/purple/gold combined. In this case it would probably be wiser to carry on chest running the shore for what I am after hahaha but I am still intrigued to find some HM source of req8, especially some shields that I am missing for my collection (Ancient) which cant drop req8 in any other place.
Guess once was enough. God damn drops like this!
Picked up some hexy shields recently
Hey everyone, today I want to discuss a topic which has been on my mind for quite a few years. As has been discussed many times on this and the previous forums, the level for req8 max gold/purple drops is 17 - 21. This is known and accepted by most, however what some might not be aware of is that there is in fact a very small amount of enemies that fall into this level even in Hard Mode. Here are a few of them:
https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Corsair_Cutthroat - These are level 20 at the beginning of the Moddok Crevice mission.
https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Slave_Spirit - These are level 20 in both modes.
https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Cantha_Courier_Crisis - According to wiki mobs are level 20 in HM. Never done this quest personally. Not Level20
There are more but I cannot remember them off the top of my head.
I personally have done many thousands of runs in Moddok Crevice in the hope of getting a max req8 Colossal, but have not seen any max req8 golds, however there are 2 things to consider here
1. They do not drop Focuses, the most common req8 drop.
2. They drop an absurd amount of armor. I have done runs till full inventory and it has literally been all armor items.
I have had many drops from there which could theoretically be req8 max per the research that Red has done on gold value and requirement, and I have had some pretty crazy 1 of max req8 drops from it, but the max req8 anything still alludes me.
I think the Slave Spirits would be the more reliable farm since they dont drop armor, but the farm for them seems quite difficult in HM with the AoE scatter nerf and I am not sure how to farm them myself. I know these where a prime source for Req8 Dead Swords/Ancient Shields back in the day, but we all know that stuff could drop in the way before times. I am highly interested to know if anyone has had such drops in recent years.
Farming for req8 in NM is just too tedious, it takes months to find anything and if we can narrow down some doable farms in HM with evidence that drops function as we believe regardless of mode, I think it will benefit many of us greatly. Ill finish by saying that if you wish to confirm HM drops gold req8 max in todays game, then please please please provide some screenshot evidence. A picture says a thousand words after all.
I'll take the q8 cren, q8 df ghostly and q8 flam 15 under 20
17a I believe?!
Cheers Moon
75a on the fds please EK