Posts by Mr. Clean(-Value)
300g magma shield = 5a bid here
Also everytime Mr. Clean Value stands on his nice little hill in kamadan. A weird looking glob of gellantin is around him after I just tabbed our for 3 seconds.
Can you clear this up a bit please? 🙂 Wich ones and since when? 🤔
Agreed with red.
With 15-25 q5 and 15^50 or even 15-5 with a 100g would have been a cutie for me to look out. #numbermaniac
Q8 prenerf felly 3a
Q8 double bladed axe 3a
The obsidian staff i know a guy who wouldn't say no to it
The focus on q9 20/20 200g would have looked dope also
The crude is sadly not X00g and also WRONG mod order so most likely only Shatam will take it 276g is 276g I guess 🤷♂️
Fenrir el Gris there is a thread about duo reduces here with all possible combs. All mods that can be there are :
-2wE - 2wS - 3wH - 5/20
Also in non max and prenerf versions like a -2wH on gold or - 3/10% mods
HP mods and armor mods never occurred in that double pattern.
If it's obsidian skin I can imagine it fetching some ectos.
If Cantha or basic skin I think foresta is right
chest title u can also time pretty well
to your edit question : books do not count towards double points afaik
agreed. even on q9 a hard sale for ~3-5e
Double bladed axe and pre nerf felly
Both SB from me :)!
there are no inscr versions
its a 5-10e and hard to sale item with a stance mod.
While XX meaning low end XX
15 ench and more looked skins like FDS go for around 15-20a
I give it a 10a+ rating. But these days u can never know so put it for sale and see as jodel said
I personally merch these. There was a sale thread with 4 of these with a not a single offer.
The mods can sell faster and better. The Staff for me doesn't worth the time.
It can be 5-20e if someone looks exactly that one. But finding a person that wants this skin and a Dom staff is just close to 0.
Same with basic skinned elemental Staffs. Like q9 air and so. Rarely they sell and if it's ~10e ish.
So my advice would be slavage and merch or put on hero. It's a super common drop on WoC farm.
PyroLobster atm is hunting for cuties.
Some ectos it can fetch for sure
For the 1 offs. It hurts the value more then a women can hurt a man's heart.
Those 💔 still receive some love from people like Agent Chevy
Depending wich mod it has more or less value. While +5en beeing the best one to get.
Seen selling some for like 10e-100e depending on mods and skins
The question is not really what else is to look for after 4 years. It's what still is wanted.
I would say even q9 draconic aegis, shinobi and katanas are rather hard sales and u will sit longer on kama selling them then most people would be willing to do nowadays.
I can only add everlasting Rollerbeetle, Candy corn and juletide tonic. These still worth a bit.
Normal green (monthly) tonics are nearly all worthless or like 1-5e each.
Also note most celestial compass are merch or like 1-5e in non q9 except DOM and Heal mostly.
So I can't really add things but rather subtract all stated weps accept crystal, volti, eblade, obsi
All others names here are hard sales even on q9. And on q10 + save merched. Literally no one will buy a Q10 inscr fellblade, katanas or anything like that for a price that is worth searching for a buyer. (if even to find one)
So yeah z chest is just a title u can buy just as the party or sweet title nowadays basicly. Only money to burn no money to make. My opinion. Let's see what others think 🤔
Crab rave!!! Crab 🦀 🕺