Finally a worthy 444g item still would like a caster one or maybe a q8 someday
also we are getting close to a 700g clean over here
Finally a worthy 444g item still would like a caster one or maybe a q8 someday
also we are getting close to a 700g clean over here
Just maybe for info the amethyst aegis can only come in q9 or higher. There is no q8 version in the game. And if so - such high end skins like Darkwing defender and Enameled shield go for 100-300a.
10e for the q9 version of the amethyst is a very fair price tho.
But 25e for q8(if it would exist) would be a straight um scam
Salvage then merch. Agreed
Couple of Ectos.
This is a par excellence example for a "take what u can get for it" - item.
HEX mod with 10vs Xx is unwanted comb.
Hexy HP is 2 off and q10 kills the last bit of value. Still its an eternal and it may find a lover or theres a crazy undead farm where hexes are issues and some one wants a exotic set for that.
I mean then pyro obviously needs the STR version to pair his TAC one. So I bet he's your man for that shield
Except 2 ogre 👹 Hexy 🧙♀️ collectors fight over it. But to be fair I don't even know one.
I mean can u ever be sure to really know somebody?! PyroLobster 🤔
Pure collectors piece and neither ogres or - 3hex are very wanted.
Shields like this change hands for some ectos. A guardien of the hunt was recently here with 10vs Pierc - 3hex.
PC was 50-100e and that thing is atm at 1a c/o and no more real interest. Most likely will sell for that. And that's an overall more wanted skin.
I would estimate this one at the 30-50e range. Except 2 ogre 👹 Hexy 🧙♀️ collectors fight over it. But to be fair I don't even know one.
The stance one is your money maker. As bwmf said on str the stance comb would have been better but still its a very nice shield.
i would see that on the same page as bladed. even tho exalted should be more rare but bladed a bit more asked
bladed with q9-2wE 45wE sold ~100a recently
A similar shield just with Charr instead of trolls went for 50a+
TongTong can say for how much it went for at the end.
This is an auction piece for sure.
Charr afaik is more desired than trolls but still its a rather rare creature mod and also should give more than a dime
Chevy dropped a celestial sword really recently. It's in how did gw treat u
And early this year or end last year a unident broad sword was sold 50a to Purely.
cause i am allrdy sweet enough 🍨
Check the time on
Wrist watch or mobile phone ?
havent really seen a triple diget blue (havent looked to well also maybe some one says its complete common )
its an x00g also wich made it interessting also that value on blues rolls by +1 and not +4 makes it nice for my WOODen Family
since its 14^50 its sadly merch
on 15^50 it would have been sellable for some ectos
I mean if u know more then all other about the game and allrdy are sure about the price why make a PC thread here to ask for opinions
To the q9 BDS topic maybe a small excurse to the real GW world of kamadan Kamadan Real time:
Iori Zhai 21 hours ago | wtt bds q10 dom or prot +10a(me) |
note that he pays 10a wich is more then some other BDS it self on top to "upgrade from q10 to q9" . Also note that this is a chinese Trader ( champs sharmi ) that will only do that trade to then squeze even more profit out of it.
Praise The Merciful 3 days ago | wts q10 dom BDS 14a |
BDS q9s DOM go for 50a+ so u can get 3 or more q10+ DOM BDS for 1 q9 DOM bds. meanwhile u are here and say req does'nt matter
Well, the req doesn't really mean anything, we all know it ....
i wish u a good luck on sale of that item. Montrell is a slashing collector maybe that also will help. but as i see my help is not needed here i will fly away *woosh woosh*
In generell armor mods on focus are "useless". When u want to defend have a defense set ( shield 🛡 and weapon ⚔ with a +5ar or +30hp mod) and when u want to cast you switch to a 40/40set (or 20/20 if none anttribute skills) only other really played option is a high energy set Wich would be +15energy-1regen mod with a 20%er or maybe 10%er or 30hp. Note that a high energy set allrdy is a rather rare used version and value of those are significantly lower(also the 10/10 offhand and wands) even tho it's a real playable set for some build, situations and PvP.
So now back to your focus. It's q11, it has an armor mod and is a basic skin. Wich leads for me to only 1 conclusion - - > merch.
Feel free to wait for more opinions ofc
~10e-25e and tuff sale
maybe a collector needs. i cross fingers
q9 15^50 Grinning Dragon Axe 15e
With ench it would be looked and used for SoO SC. I saw q10s beeing sold for 50-150e
A/N and A/P use dash and rangers use serpant quickness so stance is not complete "useless" but way less sought-after. I would be happy with ~25e.
A budget shield for a part time semi professional A/N 😅
Number 3 caster ( celestial staff q10 spawning 20% HCT resto)
5e Lily
OB1 - q9 15^50 (gold value 300) 30e
GM1 - q9 15^50 (gold value 400) 40e
OD1 - q9 15^50 (gold value 400g) 20e
wow just wow.
Thanks !
Not playable comb- now praise comes and shouts:"every comb is playable and usefull somewhere.. Wich is not wrong by any means but yeah quote me : This is an (nearly never ever ever) playable combo.
So combs like this have only one market they can target. And that's collectors so ObsidiaN is your man, since he is an GotH collector. I won't expect a bidwars over that piece but u can never know
Similar pieces have changed hands for anywhere around 50e-100e+ as allways depending on interesst.
Wait for more. That's just what I would see
note that creature combs also are sometimes rather unplayable but are more sought after by collectors and some mods like Dwarven, Charr or tengu are also rather rare. ( all proph creature mods tho)
10a on Zodi q8 15^ench