buddy of mine gave it to me back in 2006 and while I'm not going to part with it, I'm curious to see if it's worth anything.
Posts by mauirixxx
Also: was this setup made with the expectation that cons would be used? I have enough ectos saved up to buy 2 stacks of sets, but don't really want to if it isn't going to change much. I struggled pretty badly on gate of pain hm with the heroes earlier, turns out learning how to pull after Leeroying a gigantic mob 3 times in a row is a good thing.
7 months later .... I don't think this build is built around using consets, as I personally rarely use them (I sure do like to hoard them though, go figure), but I've never felt the need to bust out a set when running the dps z-way builds.
December 26th, 2005 - I fired up my W/Mo "Rickalis Tu Rivers", and 12 years later he finally got GWAMM
Fun fact, my 2nd oldest character was made for my oldest son, who eventually got his own account. ALL of my other characters are about 1-3 years younger than my main, because that's all I ever played was that Warrior.
my only problem with PayPal is they're requiring me to make an account with them which I do NOT want to do for the recurring subscriptions.
I'm subscribed to another service that uses PayPal as a payment processor, and while they charge me yearly, I did NOT have to make an account with PayPal to do so.
I am NOT a fan of PayPal and their business practices
I've conformed to rule 4 now for my submission, sorry
While I actively use an ad-blocker (ublock origin) AND DNS based ad-blocking via pi-hole I see we can subscribe for $5 to keep the ads at bay. However, it looks like PayPal is our only option for recurring payments. Do you plan on offering other types of payment processors down the road?
Mallyx the Constantly Dying https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mallyx_the_Unyielding
HULK SMASH! https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Wild_Smash
Crouching Tiger Stance https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Tiger_Stance
Hidden Dragon's Envy https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Envy (I know, it's a weapon, but it kind of works, no?)
Mind fully out of the gutter, sorry
* https://www.paytonohana.net/gw-dat-file/Gw.dat - just right click and hit "Save Link As ..."
Since I posted a link to a fully updated Gw.dat file a few weeks ago, I've been noticing more and more posts of people complaining about download speeds from with in the Guild Wars client, and the response has been people searching for the web link to the dat file I uploaded.
So to make it easier to find, I figured I'd make a dedicated post for it, and hopefully a mod can make it a sticky or something until Arenanet does something similar (hopefully, nothing's been actually promised).
* https://www.paytonohana.net/gw-dat-file/Gw.dat (just in case you missed it at the top of the post)
My bandwidth allows for a little over 700 downloads a month before I get charged, so unless there's a HUGE resurgence of Guild Wars 1 players that suddenly makes this a terrible financial burden this file will remain up.
If it gets out of date, someone let me know and I'll upload a newer copy.
I play from Hawaii, so I expect 80ms+ latency on any multiplayer game I play. Attached is a screenshot of my in game ping, and an edited copy of the results of the powershell script (removed computer name, and user name, and the contents of my powershell directory save for the script and results).
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Your image attachment script appears to be broken.
I've been using this setup for a few things and I find it struggling quite a lot even with normal mode things. I have them fully runed, sup vigs and all that. Where's the hex removal? It's obvious this build relies on interrupts to prevent getting hexed but what about when you get one? I don't find there to be enough heals. I'm using the IV necro, ST rit, ER ele, 2 inept, 1 panic, and 1 esurge. I can run ER on my ele but I shouldn't have to since this is the dps player setup? What's going wrong here? I expected this build to be much more survivable on at least normal mode.I too run the player DPS version of z-way, on both a Warrior and Paragon, and the only place I've ran into problems with hexes is in DoA - anywhere else it hasn't been a problem, and even in DoA it's only a problem for my Paragon, since he does fuck all for actual DPS, and Vocal Minority is a bitch skill to use against him haha
I literally just did a full Hero's Handbook [Hard Mode] on my Paragon over the past 3 days, and the *only* place I had a complete party wipe was due to over aggro of damn near 20 Wind Riders on the way to starting The Elusive Golemancer mission.
And that was more due to my play style - I'm more "Kilroy Stonekin" then anything else. Micromanaging hero's and spirits? pfft too much work
Anyone tested with an Imbagon in the first slot rather than a healer of some sort? I don't really have a healer at my disposal but was interested in running the main build with my Imbagon.I figured with SY/TNtF the build should work okay, but I wasn't sure.
I used the following imbagon build to get the "expert" reward from Dzagonur Bastion tonight:
I tend to die before my heroes even get close to death, but that's more due to my play style than anything else
Question - I run a warrior main, so I'm looking at the player DPS section - for the 7th hero, we're given the option of either ER / Esurge, so I'm looking to clarify - do I just run a 2nd E/Mo or another Me/Rt and swap Panic build elite for Esurge?