Fall 2007 right as I started university. I had 11000 hours or so from then to the launch of GW2.

When did you start playing Guild Wars?
Just started this week!
Just started this week!
It can't be easy starting when so few people are playing. I hope you are enjoying it.
December 26th, 2005 - I fired up my W/Mo "Rickalis Tu Rivers", and 12 years later he finally got GWAMM
Fun fact, my 2nd oldest character was made for my oldest son, who eventually got his own account. ALL of my other characters are about 1-3 years younger than my main, because that's all I ever played was that Warrior.
12 year old me ran my brothers character to death in the Shiverpeaks circa summer 2005 while he was afk
152 months ago.. ouch ! More than the half of my life ago
Since Beta weekend ... whenever that was 2004 or 2005? Fell in love with the realistic way the game felt. Sooo much better than that horrible WoW my son was forcing me to play.
I'm so glad that there is so many people in the same boat here. Long time love for this game.
Just before Factions was released.
A time before conveniences such as heroes, mercs, material storage, xunlai panes, ...
- Official Post
152 months ago.. ouch ! More than the half of my life ago
dang now I feel really old
- Official Post
April 2006, just before the launch of Factions.
Started playing during beta weekends.
April 2006...
But I still love this game
I am at 135 months, though there are many months in there I never logged on past 2010, until recently I've been back at it pretty heavy.
/age says 152 Months, so I should believe that
139 months myself, I guess I'm one of the younger ones
153months here.
113 months ago