Thx for all the offers so far. Removed the outcast q12t +10vs orgres 45hp wE
Posts by gdyb
out cast q9t +10demon 2wE
Curse Zodiac Staff sold to Ecto Sacrifice
Weakness Zodiac Shield didn't meet rb so removed from auction
Added a bunch of new items:
OC1: Outcast Shield q9t dual max stance
SB: Q9 DV Shadowblade
ZS: Zodiac q9s -5(20%) +28hp @T Miles
OC2: Outcast Shield q12t +10vs Ogres +45hp wE
OC3: Outcast Shield q9t +1 Deathmagic (20%) -5(19%) IAmSole maybe?
Amber dual ench 150e/1a
will close the auction for these two remaining items on Monday 22/08 20:00 CEST
lowered rb/bo for curses Zodi staff, added rb and bo for weakness zodi shield
smite Bo staff sold ingame.
Magma3 3a
added q9 20/20 Bo Smite
s/b: 50e | c/o:~ | b/o: ~
Ornate shield sold to Falque
Zodiac lightning rb reached, will be sold if no more bids within 48h.
new item:
s/b: 50e
added a bunch of rbs and bos, if rbs are reached the item will be sold within 48h of no more bids
1. q9 curses 20/20 zodi rb:40a bo:55a
2. ornate q9t b/o:150e
3. Bladed q9 +10blunt -2wS rb:2a bo:3a
4. Zodi q9t +10Lightning -2wE rb:27a bo:40a
5. q11 earth 20/20 zodi rb:15a bo:20a
7. Defender bo:150e
1a sws plant
shadow shield sold to Ishida
Added new Items.
#1 Zodiac Staff Q9 Curses 20/20
#2 Ornate Shield q9t +10vsDemons +1 Curse 20%
#3 Bladed Shield q9t +10vsBlunt -2wS
#6 Ornate Shield q9t +10vsBlunt -5(20%)
#8 Eternal Shield q12Str -3wH +30hp
#9 Shadow Shield q13Str +45wE -2wE
Seems like I was a bit premature adding those B/O and also setting them too close to the C/O, lesson learned for next time.
Although I'm receiving offers after b/o in this thread and via pms I will honor the sale to the people that posted first to avoid any drama.
#1 has been sold to La Rana
#2 has been sold to chrono
#3 has been sold to Monk From Above
Also the #6 Ominous Eidolon has been sold ingame for 20A
For Clarity sake for the remaining items:
#4 Zodiac vs Lightning c/o 10a La Rana#5 Zodiac Staff q11 Earth 20/20 c/o 7a rupt
#7 Defender undead c/o 50e adrastos
Remaining DV/DZ items are a flat 10e each, just pm if you want any of them. Will remove them after the weekend.
R/b reached for
#1 added 30a b/o Mango PB168 c/o: 26a
#2 added 8a b/o chrono F A L Q U E c/o: 6a
#3 added 7a b/o Monk From Above PB168 c/o: 5a+75e
gonna sell the items within 48hours if no more bids come in.
Capitalist leave or pm me your ign for the straw effigy
Added new Items
Red Fireball maybe?
Plagueborn q11 +10 plants +30hp
Bump, Thank you for all the offers so far updated the c/o on first post.
- Removed the Jade wand and 20/19 Zodiac Staves
- Sold Gavel q9 DZ to Ondenoire for 100e
- added: 5. Zodiac Staff Q11 Earth 20/20
dv oni blade sold to olav
First Bump in a while, removed all the listings from 2 months ago.
Added a Zodiac q9t -2wE +10 Slashing and some of other new items.
Added a bunch of DZ and DV weapons.
SH16 Amber dual ench
Black Dyes X33 - 10
Res Scrolls X226 - 70e
Added 10a b/o for oni blade. Will be sold within next 24h to Bakuga unless a higher bid comes in.
Added B/Os to a few items.
replaced FDS with
s/b: 50e | c/o: ~ | b/o: tba
Added 30e | c/o: ~ | b/o: tba