Posts by Red Fireball
I try extensively, but best auction the ones that are somewhat valueable.
1 10-50a auction
2-8 I'd merch
9&10 20e-5a auction
11-14 I'd merch
15&16 10e-1a auction
17 1-5a
18&19 merch
20&21 5-20e auction/sell at bo price
22-24 merch
25 1-5a auction
26 2-4a auction
27 1000a+ definitely auction
28 60-70a auction
29 10e
#27 is extremely valueable- do not sell via pms and make an auction lasting long enough. last one I remember sold years ago for more than couple hundred a Pleikki can specify. will likely yield thousands today.
#1 & 28also very valueable, the rest is moderate. wait for some pcs there.
1 1a + the clean value will attrackt some
2-6 10e more or less
7 25e-2a maybe
8 10e
9/10 1a+
11 10e
12 merch/5e
did it drop like that? or did you change the head/wrap?
for a price - there is collectors, but q11 won't be the most collectible. I can't help precisely. would expect a hadful of arms
not valueable at all. max dmg for req items do have a collectors audience where some can even fetch good prices. very few weapons are even used in very specialized teambuild setups, where a specific req is very desired - like 13/5 shields, q5 daggers, q7 flatbows and q0 scythes. other than that one offs will be worthless.
Mr. Clean(-Value) 4,6,14 gogo
#14 10a
you could also raptor farm or nolani farm for leg survivor - very fast and reliable on war.
I think you should dump both and go for a 200g q8 set. do it properly.
the 40 is very thematic to the 400g thing... and you should get a -4/16 for more 4 references. but no... I think 5/20 or 10earth with +30 would be good. actually 10earth 40wS would be my fav.
sephis 15e-1a
round - niche mods, I'd put for auction and see if I can get anything else merch after some time.
tower 20e-2a - wait for others' opinions but I would like to add it to my collection.
tall merch or hero
twin hammer 10-20e/hero
prot icon merch
I am 99.999% sure it is true
the fellblade from eotn is a different story. it does drop on the snowmen, which go as low as lvl 12 and consequently can drop as low as q3. an insc one is irrelevant for the os ones.
for the remark of fellys dropping in areas that do drop q8 - I remember your screen from maguuma I think, but the drop was in hm from a locked chest. nm drop pool can differ - and in case of fellblade and raven staff for example it does.
the drop on a chest in nm crystal desert would prove the point, but I would think it did not actually happen and you remember wrong. but please dig it up! I am not saying you are wrong, just that I am very VERY certain on my observations.
I did run MANY chests in crystal desert, but a raven staff or fellblade definitely aren't in the pool for me.
... and the items as well! a headpiece obstructing the eyes, a sword with two blades, where the core of the sword usually serves for stability whilst the gap serves for messup, and a leaf as shield protection. oh not to forget the "armor" that at least covers 10% of the torso!
But... it looks great
heh - definitely more realistic than a q8 caster felly (since anything bigger 0 chance will be) but really actually... winning the state lottery 2times in a row seems more likely
Curious about your comment Red, did you mean it can drop anywhere or it cannot in req8?
cannot. sry if unclear.
For example, my records show Fellblades dropping from chests in HM in Undercity, why would they not drop in an NM chest as q8?
that might be a reasonable approach of reasoning, but it does not seem to work that way. raven staff and fellblade both drop on locked chests in hm maguuma jungle, but never in nm. also in sf the first two chests neber drop a fellbldae, whilst the last one does - but that one never drops q8. the os fellblade does not drop q8.
sorry, but q8 felly is out of the options to drop. anywhere
statistically more like 10.000.000 runs... but it can happen
does that mean insightful staffhead can't drop with a 5energy insc (a +5 +5 energy combo)? because now im not sure if i've actually ever seen that or not.
exactly! you also cannot drop one that has a hale head plus fortitude wrap or defensive head plus wrap of defense/shelter/warding.
i have observed that i don't ever find adept staff heads on os staves, which made me wonder if that weapon mod even existed
absolutely did not. they were added with nf and only drop in insc area. same for swift.
so in order to go a little more in depth on how the bugged insc weapons occur:
maybe you can see a pattern in the following screens of the bugged staves that turned up on the forums:
remember: those are not filtered by a mod, instead it is just all the insc exclusive drops that were dropped without inscription and popped up here on pc (we did collect way more data from farms and own drops and others that claimed to have dropped them in insc area, where the skin however wouldn't prove that, so I did only include those bullet proof ones). It becomes VERY apparent that there is a pattern: they all have an insightful staff head. On the other hand not all staves that do drop with an insightful head are uninsc. so what do we make of that?
there is a duplicate removal routine somewhere in gw as it seems, which happens to mark insightful + energy in the same category as inscription that grant energy. so if the combination occurs - boom the latter mod gets discarded, which is... the inscription. Same was the case with slaying mods and dmg increasing inscriptions: both were in the category damage modifier and thus the latter mod got discarded... which was the inscription. so they fixed it by making the routine not detect those in the same category anymore, which is how the bugged insc martial were erased from the possible drops.
there are similar things to observe: an os shield can not have two mods in the same category - like two hp mods or two armor mods. and the one droppin dual at some point was damage reduction. again the routine did check for duplicate mobs and removed them, but somehow someone skipped the -x wS mod to add to that category - which is why ALL dualreduction shields have the -x wS as one of their two reduction mods. the bugfix is obvious from there. similarly an os foc never could drop with two hct mods. nor a foc. nor a staff. interestingly a staff can not even drop with two hct mods applied! but in that case the staff head was removed, so it is not a bugged one. it seems to have to do with the order in which mods appear defaulted on wepons. just for completion: they did obviously also group the inherent energy mod on a staff differently than the +energy from mods or inscs, so those do drop.
so with this said I tried to outline HOW the bugged insc area items were and are created, and from there challenge you to explain: what other mod combo out there could trigger a duplicate removal routine so that any martials could still get a insc removed leading to bugged insc area martials?
bet you can fetch some ecto for the long sword due the clean value. maybe 20-50e
Cute for the obby edge - yes it surfaced here recently, but it was ancient.
From the GuildWars community on Reddit: Check out my Bad luck :)Explore this post and more from the GuildWars communitywww.reddit.comNeutral_CH no, the deathbane bug leading to noninsc martial weapons was fixed here which was about a year after the introduction of the zchest.
also I repeat: STAVES do still drop bugged insc. just martials TO MY KNOWLEDGE do not.
either way a bugged zchest exclusive skin does not prove anything still dropping. maybe there is any skin that has been added after the mentioned bugfix and fits the criteria (insc area drop, no staff, drops in gold rarity), that, if existing bugged, could prove the point, but I'd not be aware of one.
would love to see screens of recent drops - my status is based on observation and update notes. Some friends and I collected screens of the bugged weapons on here over the past years and all the recent drops that surfaced in the PC section were staves. and we collected about 30-50 - I'd have to count. so if anyone has a screen of one freshly dropping - please! can you check your screens PyroLobster ? (I'd have a q3 dwarf shield for you as reward in my inventory )
the problem in bits is that in order to prove anything you would need a screen with f9 and equip pack shown, no heroes in party, the chat log entry of the thing dropping with time stamp plus only a single weapon of that name in inventory plus /age showing. only then it'd be safe I think (idk if I might have missed a way to fake it)
it is prenerf as in means of it being impossible to drop anymore
Why can't zchest drop one of these today? It drops Q9 Cry and on occasion a wep without an inscription?
the bug with the deathbane mod leading to martial items that should have had a insc slot ending without one has been fixed some years ago. today only staves still present this behaviour. so BDS can still drop without insc slot, but crysta not. this is my status
ye the spiders should drop them, but those are lvl14
it is prenerf as in means of it being impossible to drop anymore. but it isn't prenerf as in means it dropped from one of the keyless chests.
to differentiate a prenerf the gold value at times holds a clue, on q9 that does not help however. a general gold sword at q12 a max damage at a value below 144 would point it to be prenerf, at q13 even a value below 188 would point that out. on crystas however any value below 204g would point it out to be prenerf, since today it can only drop in gold rarity from chests with an unid range starting at 50g. for same reasons on q8 every crystalline would be prenerf. and also any damage below 15-21 would point it to be prenerf.
machete is really rare - I think there is about 3mobs that can drop one as low as that one. but that does not mean it really has a value. I'd just put it out there, see if any low req lovers have a heart for it and guess you can get something in the two digit ecto range.
for a clockwork scythe check kama trade chat.
long story short - nope
all merch
#2 1a (thanks for tag trademeimfamous
#4 1a
hm nolani? troll cave outside droks? desert griffons? what rof are you and is your skill set also restricted to proph?
the deso maul can fetch few arms (2-3), the shadow axe 10e maybe, same for the wayward, rest is pretty much merch I think
San was just editing since I felt the 2000 came out as a PC. I wanted to make the point that no one can tell, but everyone will know 300a is lowballing.
and I feel like it could very well fetch even more than 2000. sure it ain't prenerf, but try farm one
just before you fall for a trap dozens other returning players have with their dope items: the broad sword is a KILLER it will likely fetch 2000a+ which is about 100000ecto. Or maybe way beyond that. so don't think a pm with a 300a offer seems too good to wait any further - put it for auction, take your time and claim the profit yourself that else someone reselling will take. no one can really tell you its value, one like it hasn't sold in many MANY years, many people love the skin and many have a shitload of arms laying around.
nothing to worry mate! we have the screen to remember it. RIP
PC is also merch on both no worries mate!
I would take the bow. never seen a 11-20 before :O