Posts by clex
Magmas Shield x1 10e
Celestial Shield (Tactics) x1 5e
Celestial Axe x1 2e
Sephis Axe x1 2e
Shinobi Blade x1 2e -
bump; added a few things
wroth sold 3a 50e Unholy
dadao +5e 20e Blind Was My Fury -
+5energy FDS - 15e
wroth prenerf at 3a 50e
closing wroth on saturday 12pm pst -
c/o 3a prenerf wroth -
current wroth prenerf 1a 50e -
thanks for looking -
020 sold 3a - Little Pony -
updated the shop with more items
008 sold 50e Lume -
added a wroths holy rod '06
002 sold 15e Mr. Clean(-Value) -
Welcome in, thanks for taking a look. I will be trying to update this as much as possible so stay on the lookout!
put the number next to the item with an offer
or the item(s) in the spoilers your interested in
*reserve the right not to sell an item*
*updated 05/13/2023*
IGN - W A Z P E R M A N*all sold items need a confirmation of your ign from your gwlegacy messages so I don't trade your item(s) to the wrong person*
pending deliveries:
x3 sold - 60e Cute sold 20e Blind Was My Fury
Thanks for the input guys, really appreciate it!