hey there. just saw your video about the q9 celestial items and wanted to shoot you a message incase that is a run you do frequently. i make sets of weapons in q9 with one of each available mod type (15over, 20under, 15stance, etc, etc) and celestials (as well as plague, zodiac, and tons of other skins!) are a set im working on. im going to post this list for you- just incase you get some of the poorly modded q9s. ill definately give you more than merch value (generally offer 2 to 3e depending on weapon type for 20under, 15-10armor, 15-5e, 15hex, 20wHexed, and naked- offer 3 to 5e for 15enchant or 15stance- and obviously 15over and +5e are worth more but i think i have most of those. but of course im willing to negotiate! anyway, here is what i currently need with celestials- thanks in advance for looking!