Hey, would you be available for trade? You offered 30e on bohdalz fury. Thanks
hi let me know your ign pls catch you ig : blind was my fury
Couldn't find you online, will be back online later.
sorry was afk
Hi, what is your IGN?
My IGN is Aramir Griffenfeld.
hi ig : blind was my fury am online if you want !
hi i am interesting in ur echo q9 tactics +10 piercing if u wanna resell i am available to make a deal . ty. pm:niobe kavanuh
hey i would rather keep it bu if you rlyrly want it let me know i'll just resell the same price i bought from tru recycled
ye i really want it. If u resell i wanna pay same offer as bid on post 22a. Ty in advance
Okay then let's go I'll hand it to you cheers
can u log in ?? now?? Seems u cant. ill be back in like 5 hours. tyvm again
Is it 18% aptitude not attitude or 18% adept head you need?
(Kinda think i *had* each recently, but didn't survive. I'll probably find others.)
Adept head 18% yes, if you find one I also need 17% and others if you find some pls keep them aside
Hey it's adept yes, if you have any hit me up pls looking also for +1 18 resto... Cheers
Hi mate.I am indeed interested in the q7/12 focus.The ones I'll consider trading for it are the storm bow, mini pig, kole's or gorrel's.Let me know what you think.Easier to discuss on discord where I'm gwfoo
hi sent you a friend request on discord, i am intrested in the pig (might turn into bacon ! )
You might need my IG name for the Eaglecreast: Flocon Hivernel. Also my timezone is UTC+1.
Ty will pm as soon as back ig !!
hey pm si tu me vois co !
Avec plaisir, cependant j'ai l'impression que nous n'avons pas les mêmes horaires. L'idéal serait peut être de fixer une date et une heure?
Hi dunno how to pm lol ign ano the warrior
Hi ! Added you for the celestial ones ! IGN Pwned By Doggos
my ign Sup splitters
wating for u for the war hammer, can't see u ig
hey pm me when ever bro, i'll try to come in this eve
let me get back to you after a day or 2 for the plagueborn focus
IGN: Cool Kats
Sure man, see you !
i can sell u the plagueborn, but i think our times will be difficult to meet up.
anyways pm me in game
IGN: cool kats
hey i pm ya man!
hi when u gonna take that plagueborn off me hehe
im online now
can't find u ingame... i have looted another one same stat, if u want 2 :p
hey, i can sell the spiked war ham for 15e if u want
sure man pm me ig anytime :
ig blind was my fury
Thanks for the info on the pre nerf green
Welcome man enjoy
Heya mate, you bid for a Conjuring Staff yesterday. When are you free to meet up?
My IGN is Hoplita Koriel, already added you :).
Hi, i'll add you, when ever i/you see me online pm !
My ig : blind was my fury
@Blind Was My Fury, you won the bids . 150e (gloom shield)lets meet in-game to complete sale
Hi pm me man ! Ig : blind was my fury
What's your ig ?
Aria MoonshotI've added you in-game but been in sc all day, might have missed youit's np
tried to catch you in game guess i just missed you, the pyrewood is yours bro.
thanks for the congratulations
hi! my post was deleted before i could see your reply. Did you want the q9 spawning Jug?
Sure pm me ig pls : blind was my fury
WTS : q9 legendary sword : 3e
I'll take this one friend
IGN = Alexander Masticus
16e for the slicers pls?
when will u be back on?
So – I ended up being way more lucky than anticipated. I already got more greenies for you. Very much plural.
oh, my bad, its not on hex, sorry
its a gold one
that eternal shield has 30 hp while hexed? didn't know that mod could go that low.
RE: *CLOSED* OS Eternal shield
On a blue shield this is possible ! :d