PM your IGN for jade orbs delievery, ty!
Cute Mila
please let me know a bo in future instead of co tease waste of everyones time. thanks
I posted the b/o for all via bump. So it was fair for everyone.
think the images in your Shop are broken
Ohh yeah.
Got no time to fix it atm since i’m on vacation. Will set up a new shot next week with new juicy items (:
Hey I'm online in 30 minutes for your bow
IG: Cute Angel Eve
I’m currently out of town. I’m back on tuesday. I hope that works for you!
Kind regards,
I would like to offer you the Grinning bow!
Let me know when you're available. I'm on US timezone
When will you be on so I can get the piercing echo? I’m NA so haven’t seen you on yet
I’m heading home from work now. Will be available in about 1 hour (:
hello b/o iridescent q9 tac +30 -2we?
Will add r/b and b/o in a few days
hello, you win #2 item in my auction. IGN Sw Fish Boy
Give me like 1h to hope on! Will text you ingame!
Do you still need the purple trim? I can get one within 24-48 hours if you want to pre-order
Noo i’m all good, thx for your reply though! (:
I am online now for the bladed, IGN: Trace The Dreadful
texted you ingame. waiting for your response!xoxo
Hey didn't see anything come through on my character, weird. I am in Kama aed3
hey u here
hello price b/o amber q9 tac +30 +10 demon
Idea was to sell it to the highest bit in around 1 week. Might get a b/o out until then but very busy atm