This might be a dumb question: I came across 1 common and 1 magical Vabbian tower shield. Are you only interested in gold drops or all rarities? Thanks.
not sure you'll be interested but I have a defender Q13 str +10 piercing +42 ench I also merched a Q8 16arm +28 health yesterday and now Im wondering if Ive been an idiot...
the defender pierce ench I do already have a max q9 version, hence I don't need that. The q8 28 I'd have saved from the merch but it's not like I'd drown anyone in ecto for such - but I'd really appreciate and give an ecto as compensation of efforts in return hence economically you didn't do wrong since there is no mentionable market value to it, but you missed out on an ecto and making me happy ;D
I am sorry but I got versions that I see superior (q7 -5/19 +29, q10 -5/20 +30) - I had sold one like yours actually some time ago - need to find a screen to see if it was that one (gold value).
Thanks a lot for offering, I appreciate that! - it still is a beauty
I think i dropped something interesting for you, if you dont need it, i would be really happy for a Price Check on it so i can try to sell it otherwise.
Hey dude, idk if you own a blue r8 inscr Defender max armor or if you would even be interested but I do own one that im willing to sell/trade. Let me know. ign: Trained Cleavage