1a Smiting exalted

NEW: q9 Str Bladed Shield -2wS + 30hp and Runic Axe
10a smiting exalted
lowered r/b and b/o on Mixed dyes
1a dragons exalted
b1 bladed q5 +43/-2we 50e
Edit : all right ivann thanks for the feedback glhf
b1 bladed q5 +43/-2we 50e
the items from this section where the bladed is, are not longer available. I am sorry!
300e on exalted dragon
400e exalted dragon
500e exalted dragon
4a exalted dragon
1000e exalted dragon
Selling some items tomorrow
December 3, 2022 at 12:05 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW: 2x q9 Tac Exalted Aegis with 212gV, Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19 and Mixed dye's” to “NEW: Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19 and Mixed dye's”. -
some items were sold.
December 5, 2022 at 2:44 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW: Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19 and Mixed dye's” to “NEW: q8 Hammers 15^50 and 15^ench, Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19 and Mixed dye's”. -
q8 war hammers added
December 19, 2022 at 1:48 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW: q8 Hammers 15^50 and 15^ench, Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19 and Mixed dye's” to “Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19”. -
New: Smiting Rod q12 19/19 heal added
December 31, 2022 at 9:21 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19” to “NEW: Water Wand 20/20 mathicng, Smiting Rod q12 19/19 heal, Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19”. -
New item added: q10 Water Wand 20/20 matching
Merry Christmas!
3a water wand
Holy branch 22a
5a water wand
6a water wand
Bump! New items
q8 Prenerf Illu Jeweled Staff 10/9
January 17, 2023 at 2:50 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW: Water Wand 20/20 mathicng, Smiting Rod q12 19/19 heal, Dual Modded Prenerf Holy Branch 19/19” to “NEW: Echovald q9 Tac -2wE +30hp and 20/20 matching”. -
new shield added: Echovald q9 Tac -2wE +30hp
February 28, 2023 at 8:15 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW: Echovald q9 Tac -2wE +30hp and 20/20 matching” to “NEW: Gloom Shield +10vs. undead +45wE, Echovald q9 Tac -2wE +30hp and 20/20 matching”. -
New shield added:
Gloom Shield +10vs. undead +45wE
Unded gloom 1a Hate Core
undead gloom 5a
10a under gloom
gloom 30a
35a gloom
undead gloom 40a
Echovald q9 Tac -2wE +30hp: 3a
Thank you for the bids.
Gloom Shield +10vs. undead +45wE - R/B: met (Selling after 48h from now) Hate Core fatbeard mcbeardface Abaddon
March 2, 2023 at 5:06 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW: Gloom Shield +10vs. undead +45wE, Echovald q9 Tac -2wE +30hp and 20/20 matching” to “NEW: Gloom Shield +10vs. undead +45wE, OS WWW, Echovald q9 Tac -2wE +30hp and 20/20 matching”. -