Lots of weapons for sale

  • =================GREEN WEAPONS=======================


    Murakai's Reaver


    Korvald's Cane:

    Wroth's Holy Rod:

    The Dream Haunter

    Brohn's Holy Rod:

    Flint's Fleshcleaver

    Banor's Sacred Branch

    The Bloodburner


    The Righteous Hand


    Thornbeard's Horned Bow

    Gargash's Recurve Bow

    Koren's Hornbow

    Boulderbeard's Shortbow

    =================GOLD WEAPONS=======================



    Oldschool: | Amber Longbow | Requires 9 | 15% in stance

    Oldschool: | Amber Longbow | Requires 10 | Energy +5

    Oldschool: | Celestial Longbow | Requires 10 | 15% above 50%

    Oldschool: | Jade Longbow | Requires 10 | 15% While Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Jade Longbow | Requires 10 | 15% -10 Armour

    Oldschool: | Amber Longbow | Requires 11 | Energy +5

    Oldschool: | Longbow | Requires 12 | 15% in stance

    Oldschool: | Longbow| Requires 13 | 15% above 50%


    Oldschool: | Shortbow | Requires 9 | 15% Above 50%

    Oldschool: | Bramble Shortbow | Requires 11 | 15% While Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Shortbow | Requires 12 | 15% in stance


    Oldschool: | Plagueborn Recurve Bow | Requires 11 | 15% while enchanted

    Oldschool: | Composite Bow | Requires 11 | 15% While Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Plagueborn Recurve Bow | Requires 10 | 15% in stance


    Oldschool: | Flatbow | Requires 10 | 15% Energy-5


    Oldschool: | Gladius | Requires 10 | 15% above 50%

    Oldschool: | Jade Sword| Requires 11 | 15% While Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Crenellated Sword| Requires 9 | 14% While Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Crenellated Sword| Requires 12 | 15% -10 Armour

    Oldschool: | Flamberge | Requires 11 | 15% -10 armour

    Oldschool: | Spatha | Requires 13 | 15% vs hexed

    Inscriptable: | Emerald Blade | Requires 10: (need an offer)

    Inscriptable: | Greater Sage blade | Requires 9

    Inscriptable: | Flamberge | Requires 9

    Inscriptable: | Crested Machete | Requires 10

    Inscriptable: | Mammoth Blade | Requires 10

    Inscriptable: | Igneous blade | Requires 10

    Inscriptable: | Fellblade | Requires 10: 2e

    Inscriptable: | Greater Sage blade | Requires 12

    Inscriptable: | Shinobi blade | Requires 12

    Inscriptable: | Shinobi blade | Requires 13

    Inscriptable: | Katana | Requires 13

    Inscriptable: | Flamberge | Requires 13


    Oldschool: | Halo Axe | Requires 10 | 15% While Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Battlepick | Requires 10 | 15% While in Stance

    Oldschool: | Cleaver (Tyria) | Requires 11| 15% while Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Cleaver (Tyria) | Requires 11| 15% in Stance

    Oldschool: | Sickle | Requires 11 | 15% While in Stance

    Oldschool: | Spiked Axe | Requires 12 | Energy +5

    Oldschool: | Archaic Axe | Requires 12 | 15% Damage Above 50%

    Oldschool: | Archaic Axe | Requires 13 | 15% Damage Above 50%

    Oldschool: | Archaic Axe | Requires 13 | 15% In Stance

    Oldschool: | Archaic Axe | Requires 13 | 15% In Stance

    Inscriptable: | Cleaver (Tyria) | Requires 9

    Inscriptable: | Icy Blade Axe | Requires 13

    Inscriptable: | Sephis Axe | Requires 13


    Oldschool: | Rams Hammer | Requires 9 | 14% in Stance

    Oldschool: | Plagueborn Maul | Requires 10 | 15% in Stance

    Oldschool: | Runic Hammer | Requires 10 | 15% Energy -5

    Oldschool: | Jade Hammer | Requires 13 | 15% in Stance

    Oldschool: | Marble Hammer | Requires 13 | 15% while Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Foehammer | Requires 13 | 15% Above 50%

    Oldschool: | Runic Hammer | Requires 13 | 15% in Stance

    Oldschool: | Celestial Hammer | Requires 13 | 15% Energy -5

    Oldschool: | War Hammer (spiked) | Requires 13 | 15% in Stance


    Oldschool: | Kukris | Requires 9 | 14% -5 Energy

    Oldschool: | Aureate Daggers | Requires 9 | 14% above 50%

    Oldschool: | Dirks | Requires 11 | 15% above 50%

    Oldschool: | Stilletos | Requires 11 | 15% in Stance

    Oldschool: | Kukris | Requires 13 | 15% above 50%

    Inscriptable: | Savage Daggers | Requires 10

    Inscriptable: | Savage Daggers | Requires 11

    Inscriptable: | Gilded Daggers | Requires 12

    Inscriptable: | Stilletos | Requires 11



    Oldschool: | Air Wand | Requires 11 Air | Energy +5 Above 50% | Halves Skill Recharge Air 19%

    Oldschool: | Earth Wand | Requires 12 Earth | Energy +5 While Hexed | Halves Casting Time of Spells 10%

    Oldschool: | Earth Wand | Requires 13 Earth | Halves Casting Time of Spells 9% | Energy +5 above 50%

    Oldschool: | Earth Wand | Requires 9 Earth | Energy +5 below 50% | Halves Skill Recharge 10%

    Oldschool: | Fire Wand | Requires 11 Fire | Energy +5 Below 50% | Halves Skill Recharge 10%

    Oldschool: | Fire Wand | Requires 13 Fire | Energy +4 While Enchanted | Halves Skill Recharge 10%

    Oldschool: | Jade Wand | Requires 12 Air | Halves Casting Time of Death 19% | Halves skill Recharge 10%

    Oldschool: | Koi Scepter | Requires 13 Water | Halves Skill Recharge 9% | Energy +5 While Enchanted:

    Oldschool: | Air Wand | Requires 12 Air | Energy +5 above 50% | Halves Casting Time 9%

    Oldschool: | Plagueborn Scepter | Requires 10 Air | Energy +5 Above 50% | Halves Skill Recharge 10%

    Oldschool: | Water Wand | Requires 10 Water | Energy +5 While Enchanted | Halves Skill Recharge 10%


    Oldschool: | Truncheon | Requires 13 Blood | Energy +5 above 50% | Halves Casting Time of Spells 9%

    Oldschool: | Truncheon | Requires 9 Blood | Halves Casting Time of Spells 10% | Energy +4 While Enchanted

    Oldschool: | Koi Scepter | Requires 11 Blood | Halves Casting Time of Spells 10% | Energy +4 While Hexed


    Oldschool: | Koi Scepter | Requires 9 Communing | Energy +5 Above 50% | Halves Skill Recharge 1`0%

    Oldschool: | Plagueborn Scepter | Requires 9 Communing | Energy +4 Above 50% | Halves Skill Recharge 10%


    Oldschool: | Jade Wand | Requires 10 Illusion | Energy +4 While Hexed | Halves Casting Time of Illusion 20%

    Oldschool: | Amber Wand | Requires 12 Illusion | Energy +5 While Enchanted | Halves Casting Time 10%

    (mods are written as they are ordered in game)

    Inscriptable: | Arcane Scepter | Requires 13 Fast Casting

    Inscriptable: | Platinum Wand | Requires 13 Spawning

    Inscriptable: | Silver Boar Scepter | Requires 9 Divine Favor

    Inscriptable: | Wooden Boar Scepter | Requires 10 Soul Reaping

    Inscriptable: | Truncheon | Requires 9 Blood

    Inscriptable: | Cane | Requires 9 Illusion



    Cockatrice Staff | Requires 10 Death | HCT Communing 20%



    Inscribed Staff | Requires 11 Domination

    Fuchsia Staff | Requires 11 Illusion

    Arcane Staff | Requires 13 Fast Casting

    Dragon Spire | Requires 10 Inspiration

    Jewelled Staff (Twin serpent) | Requires 13 Illusion


    Earth Staff (obsidian) | Requires 11 Earth

    Earth Staff (elonian) | Requires 9 Earth

    Earth Staff (core) | Requires 11 Earth

    Fire Staff (Core) | Requires 12 Fire

    Air Staff (Normal) | Requires 9 Air

    Air Staff (Normal) | Requires 12 Air

    Dead Staff | Requires 10 Air

    Dead Staff | Requires 10 Air


    Accursed Staff | Requires 10 Curses

    Bone Staff | Requires 9 Death

    Bone Staff | Requires 12 Death

    Bone Staff | Requires 12 Death

    Bone Staff | Requires 13 Death

    =================WEAPON MODS=======================

    Staff Wrapping of Inspiration Magic 20%

    Defensive Staff Headx2

    Insightful Staff Headx6

    Vampiric Bow String 5-1

    Sundering Bowstring 20/20

    Silencing Bow String

    Bow Grip of Ogreslaying 20%

    Sword Pommel of Deathbane 20%

    Sword Pommel of Warding +7

    Sundering Dagger Tang 20/20

    Hammer Grip of Fortitude +30

    I have the power +5

    IG: Ymar Of Nessus

    Edited 6 times, last by kaidaw (June 25, 2021 at 5:31 PM).

  • 2e/ea on:

    Grognar's Sword

    Reefclaw's Refuge

    Korvald's Cane

    Wroth's Holy Rod

    The Dream Haunter

    Brohn's Holy Rod

    Rago's Flame Wand

    Gorrel's Staff

    Brohn's Staff

    Flint's Fleshcleaver

    The Bloodburner

    Banor's Sacred Branch

    Koren's Hornbow

    Unholy Briseis

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread

  • bsoltan September 10, 2021 at 12:25 AM

    Closed the thread.