
Keitax -
May 31, 2017 at 5:33 AM -
30e/each on #2, #4, #27 & #28 please bro!
q9 +5 Short Sword 5e
q9 +5 Jitte 25e -
5e to start each:
+5e GDA
+5e Sickle
Q11 Spawning Platinum Staff 20/20 Channeling -
Jitte q9 +5e - 40e
Dusk Blade q9 +5e - 10e
Dusk Blade q9 15^50 - 10e -
Dusk Blade q9 +5e - 60e
5k each on these 15^50s
Butterfly Sword
Brute Sword
Cleaver (tyrian)
Spiked AxeIGN Sugita Kumiko
5e each to start these:
Q9 Earth Dragon Staff 20/10
Q9 Domination Bo Staff 20/10 -
26. 30e
27. 50e
28. 50eIvy
10e on #17
15e #17, other offers stay same still
20e on 17
up sold some stuffs
b/o's are added, everything must go.
3. 30e
27. 60e
28. 60e
q10 blood outcast 20/20 blood b/o 15e -
b/o on #10 - 10e
26: 30e (same)
27: 90e (new)
28: 90e (new) -
B/o q9 15^50 Ironwing