PC OS Plagueborn Focus q9 FC
Seppel -
July 18, 2021 at 3:19 PM -
A few dozens of ectos probably
Dont merch it it's q9 dual mod perf, even if not the best bonuses
A few dozens?
I agree on the first part. A few
A paper fan with a weird but imo better mod comb struggelt to get any interesst
(q9 15-1 1/20 curses) PC on that baby was around 100e due to reasons that focuses that are not either 20/20 or 20/10 struggle to reach high values. A 10/10 jug is atm on its way to 50e and I would say rather slow if not say stagnating.
Both from me mentioned examples are way rarer skins and better mod combs.
To sum it up. Its a drop u don't get every day. So it's a a good feel. But overall there is little to no market interest in these, neither a use or big collector scene. So for me it's a take what u can get for it item. Don't merch that's to sad 100% agree with blind on that but me personally I would be happy with a (small) Handfull of globs like 5e-10e+ allrdy feels like a win in my eyes.
August 18, 2021 at 2:43 PM Closed the thread.