To be closed - Golden Phoenix Blade x2, Golden Maul, Deadly Cesta

  • Hey guys, could I get something out of those items?

    Thanks for your help!

    1. OS Golden Phoenix Blade q9 +20hex 20/20 +30

    1. OS Golden Phoenix Blade q10 15^50 20/20 +30

    1. OS q13 Deadly Cesta 20 Death e+5^enchant

    1. OS q9 Forbidden Staff 19% Death

    1. OS Golden Maul q9 +19^hex

    1. OS max blue FDS q9

    IGN: Still Method

  • Edit: oops mistook this for a sell thread for a second.

    OT: None of these have much value im afraid. It's 'a matter of take whatever you can get or merch' basically. However I am interested in the 20hex GPB, I would give you 15e for it. Let me know if that works for you.

  • GPB Q10 and FDS Q9 blue are a few ecto/what ever you can get

    GPB Q9 has an unwanted mod but could interest some collectors, in the 5-15e range.

    Everything else is merch


    IGN : Veni Vidi Wiki

    WTB Triple prof wands + Aegis/SotW + Prenerf runes + Sanhan's Staff (here)

  • Aporia August 17, 2021 at 3:11 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Golden Phoenix Blade x2, Golden Maul, Deadly Cesta” to “To be closed - Golden Phoenix Blade x2, Golden Maul, Deadly Cesta”.
  • bsoltan August 17, 2021 at 4:22 PM

    Closed the thread.