I know its not max mods but I just don't see many low q dual mods these days
Another for Shataam or worth something?
I know its not max mods but I just don't see many low q dual mods these days
Another for Shataam or worth something?
Can be quirky and maybe Dadan our purple collector may like
It's more or less a take what u can get for it item. The rare req would be 3 or lower. Req 1 and 2 can't come golden so purple would be best to get. On q6/14 u can have golden versions so don't see a special need for purples
My guess a couple ectos cause it's cute and a tall shield lover or quirky collector may pay a few here
My advice put it for sale and don't merch
thanks for summoning me! Yes it's cute I'd give a couple of ecto for it
thanks guys