Edit: This auction ends at 7 PM PST on Friday (10/8). To give everyone a fair shot (and protect people from items being sniped at the last minute), I am incorporating these rules:
1. When the auction ends, for each item, anyone who has ever bid on that item at any point in the past has 18 hours starting at that time (7 PM PST on 10/8) to bid further. I've added a list of people who has bid in the post.
2. This "extended bidding time" ends at 1 PM PST on 10/9.
3. During this extended bidding time, for a bid to beat the c/o, you must bid 20% higher. This prevents people from trying to bid just a bit higher because the previous c/o person isn't online 5 minutes before the auction ends.
This should prevent item sniping and also give people who are in different time zones a chance.
Thank you!
Selling some items.
H1 c/o: Hermes, 30a; r/b: 10a; to beat: at least 36a
Previous bidders: nik, San, Foresta, ardunain, Hermes
Prenerf Green (verified by Unholy)
PG1 c/o: BigZ, 105e; to beat: at least 126e
Previous bidders: BigZ, Hobo
PG2 c/o: BigZ, 50e; to beat: at least 60e
Previous bidders: BigZ
PG3 c/o: Mr. Clean, 110e; to beat: at least 132e
Previous bidders: BigZ, Mr. Clean, Hobo
PG4 c/o: BigZ, 50e; to beat: at least 60e
Previous bidders: BigZ
OS Runes
OR1 c/o: BigZ, 50e; to beat: at least 60e
Previous bidders: BigZ
OR2 (different rune than OR1) c/o: BigZ, 50e; to beat: at least 60e
Previous bidders: BigZ
OR3 c/o: BigZ, 1a; to beat: at least 1.2a
Previous bidders: BigZ, Hobo
OR4 c/o: BigZ, 1a; to beat: at least 1.2a
Previous bidders: BigZ, Hobo
OR5 c/o: BigZ, 70e; to beat: at least 84e
Previous bidders: BigZ
OR6 c/o: supra_23, 90e; to beat: at least 108e
Previous bidders: BigZ, supra_23
OR7 c/o: BigZ, 50e; to beat: at least 60e
Previous bidders: BigZ
OR8 c/o: supra_23, 90e; to beat: at least 108e
Previous bidders: BigZ, supra_23
OR9 c/o: BigZ, 50e; to beat: at least 60e
Previous bidders: BigZ
Got some of this from a friend's account who didn't play after a few months into Prophecies. Should be OS, but I can't tell the difference between what's OS vs. not so please let me know if these aren't OS.
OS1 c/o:
Previous bidders:
OS2 c/o: Mr. Clean, 50e; to beat: at least 60e
Previous bidders: Raining Ecto, BigZ, Mr. Clean
OS3 c/o: Pleikki, 125e; to beat: at least 150e
Previous bidders: BigZ, Pleikki, Mr. Clean, Hobo
OS4 c/o: PyroLobster, 700e; to beat: at least 840e
Previous bidders: Raining Ecto, BigZ, PyroLobster, Hobo
c/o: Raining Ecto, 90e; to beat: at least 108e
Previous bidders: Raining Ecto, BigZ, Dadan, Pleikki
Normal Gold
G1 c/o:
Previous bidders:
G2 c/o:
Previous bidders:
G3 c/o: San, 660e; to beat: at least 792e
Previous bidders: BigZ, Mr. Clean, Pleikki, Raining Ecto, San, Foresta
Have fun!