Outcast q10 DF 100e
Update 09/08 Os Stuff // Colossal pick q9 15^50 Outcast shields Echovald q9str -2we/10dmons Amber
Outcast shield +10 cold/-2wE -> 20e
Cold outcast 1a
Fire ornate 2a
Outcast shield cold 1a 75e
Cold outcast 2a
new shields:
Echovald -3/+60wh 50e
new shield:
tru recycled
August 4, 2022 at 10:23 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Update 02/07 Os Stuff Outcast staves q9 earth 20/20 // Colossal pick q9 15^50, Jade sword DV, Amber Aegis q13str 10dmons/-2ws and few others // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25” to “Update 08/04 Os Stuff Outcast staves q9 earth 20/20 // Colossal pick q9 15^50, Jade sword DV, Amber Aegis q13str 10dmons/-2ws and few others // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25”. -
100e on demon outcast
Amber +30 -5(20%) 150e
Outcast staff q9 earth 20/20 15a
new shields
Outcast blunt 50e
tru recycled
August 17, 2022 at 10:31 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Update 08/04 Os Stuff Outcast staves q9 earth 20/20 // Colossal pick q9 15^50, Jade sword DV, Amber Aegis q13str 10dmons/-2ws and few others // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25” to “Update 08/15 Os Stuff Outcast staves q9 earth 20/20 // Colossal pick q9 15^50, Jade sword DV, Amber Aegis q13str 10dmons/-2ws and few others // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25”. -
Amber Aegis demon 1a
Outcast fire 2a
tru recycled
August 23, 2022 at 12:54 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Update 08/15 Os Stuff Outcast staves q9 earth 20/20 // Colossal pick q9 15^50, Jade sword DV, Amber Aegis q13str 10dmons/-2ws and few others // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25” to “Update 08/15 Os Stuff Outcast staves q9 20/20 // q9 Jade sword DV, Amber Aegis q13str 10dmons/-2ws and few others // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25”. -
1a on the echovald q10 tac -3 while hexed, +60 hp while hexed
interested in b/o - pm me here or in game
40a scim
50a scimitar
+5 scim 175a
290a scimitar
It's not an UP, my post is already on the top.
best offer is 500a... but the sword is already sold....
tru recycled
September 6, 2022 at 8:18 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Update 08/15 Os Stuff Outcast staves q9 20/20 // q9 Jade sword DV, Amber Aegis q13str 10dmons/-2ws and few others // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25” to “Update 09/04 Os Stuff Os shields Outcast, echovald, gothic, Amber, ornate // Outcast staves q9 20/20 // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25”. -
new outcast staves
125 gold pieces on the Amber Aegis q10Str -2/+45 stance
105 gold pieces on the Outcast Shield q11tac +10 Piercing/-2 ench
50 gold pieces on the Amber Aegis q11tac +30/-5 20%
Please and thank you. Please send me a PM if I win anything.
new shield
c/o 12a
tru recycled
September 8, 2022 at 12:59 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Update 09/04 Os Stuff Os shields Outcast, echovald, gothic, Amber, ornate // Outcast staves q9 20/20 // Unid outcast staves sets q9x25” to “Update 09/08 Os Stuff Echovald q9str -2we/10dmons Os shields Outcast, echovald, gothic, Amber, ornate // Outcast staves q9 20/20”. -
Echovald Q9S -2wE +10 Demons --> 16A
bump b/o added on echo
Echovald q10t +30 -5/20% --> 5A
echo sold and lot of outcast sold too.
new shield
outcast staves and ogres shield sold
new shield:
5a on q9 tac outcast
tru recycled
October 1, 2022 at 3:05 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Update 09/08 Os Stuff Echovald q9str -2we/10dmons Os shields Outcast, echovald, gothic, Amber, ornate // Outcast staves q9 20/20” to “Update 09/08 Os Stuff Outcast q9tac 30/-2we // Echovald q9str -2we/10dmons Os shields Outcast, echovald, gothic, Amber, ornate”. -
10a q9 outcast
100e amber