WTS OS Golds - Closed
I'll buy
Shadow Shield q9 str 5eScarabshell Aegis q9 com 2e
Tribal Shield q9 tac 2e
suntouched scythe q9 2e
windblade spear 2e
suntouched spear 2e
platinum sickles 2e
celestial axe 3e
IGN: Barnard Gumble
Broadsword 2e
IGN Elsa The Unmerciful
Shinobi q9, Katana, Broadsword, Gothic Dual Axe, Mammoth axe -> 3e ea
Either Mez Q Compass 10e
(5x) Q9 Tact GotH - 2e / ea
(2x) Q9 Tact Kappa - 2e / ea
Storm Bow Q9 - 5e
IGN: Vi Malleus
Bump before I merchant the majority of these for space.
Eternal q10 tact 3e
1e/each for q10 chaos axes & 1x Sephis axe
celestial sword 2e
1. Colossal scimitar 1e
2. Shield of the Lion 2x (1e es)
3.. aureate aegis (1e)
2e on q10 shinobi if still avaible
Will take all brass spears and ancient hornbow
Golden maul q9 - 2e
Break hammer q9 - 2e
20e skull recurve bow
Ign Aaron D Ankle Bitur
Last bump before selling to merchant on 26/02/22.
Well if they're just going to merch...!
Runic q9
Gothic q9
Crenellated q9
Fellblade q9
Jade q9
Long q9 -> (assuming this is the long version, not the Long Sword with the Short Sword skin!
Stygian Reaver q9
Morning Star q9
Tetsubo q9
Chromium Shards q9
Salient Daggers q9
Amethyst Aegis q9(tact)
Scarabshell Aegis q9(com)
Guardian of the Hunt q9(str)
Gloom q9(tact)
Emblazoned Defender q9(tact)
2e each
IGN: Fleet Fox
Well, to save them from the merch, and not feel bad for lowballing:
Guardian of the hunt 1e
Fell blades 2e/each
greater highlander -10k
Sorry for double post, meant to edit my other post not quote... My bad!
March 3, 2022 at 7:46 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Inscribable Golds” to “WTS OS Golds”. -
Bump. Planning on selling them to merchant on March 18th.
Embla : 15e
Dead staff com 5e
Naga long 5e
Ig : blind was my fury
Last Bump before merchant.
20e on Emblazoned Defender (Sh3)
q9 Jade Dagger 5e
Embla 25e
emblazned 40e
March 31, 2022 at 6:25 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Golds” to “WTS OS Golds - Closed”. -
April 3, 2022 at 8:08 PM Closed the thread.