sws vs charr- 25a
WTS low req/OS
sws 50a
q9 sws 85a
February 7, 2023 at 8:24 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q9+10 dual max SWS” to “WTS q9T 10v charr -2wE SWS”. -
bump, added r/b + b/o
February 25, 2023 at 3:41 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q9T 10v charr -2wE SWS” to “WTS q9 30/10 plants tall shield, q10 30/10 lightning SWS”. -
bump, took down the charr sws. added q9 plants tall shield
10a tall
11a tall
bump, planning to sell tall soon if no more bids come in
bump, sale pending on plants tall. added unded dhuum + some other goodies
5a on sws
bump, sold all dsr/dhuum/ghastly ingame. added q9 +5e sunqua blade
March 6, 2023 at 1:08 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q9 30/10 plants tall shield, q10 30/10 lightning SWS” to “WTS q10 30/10 lightning SWS, q9 +5e sunqua blade”. -
sws 6a
bump, tall shield sold to Moon tyvm
q10 sws 10a
q10 sws 11a
Sunqua 100e
sws 16a