Hi im new to the Forum and would like to know what this item is worth approximately.
PC q7 Brute Sword
This is an item I would merchant. 124g. Maybe someone will come along and pay you more, I don't know.
14-20 is the maximum damage range for r7 Sword today. While not valuable to some, it may still receive multiple bids when auctioned. 50-100e sounds reasonable as Brute is not common.
agree with Hermes - definitely worth selling! I'd guess that 50e come easily and up to 200e possibly. gl!
i actualy bought this exact sword end of last year, i paid like 80e for it
I guess I'm wrong. Go with the other PCs. Congratulations OP. Definitely something I would have just merched. TIL.
April 30, 2022 at 10:27 AM Closed the thread.