Who here does FoW Armor runs ?

Closed. FoW Armor run
Age -
June 18, 2022 at 9:28 PM -
I could do a FoW armor run for you. PM me for a price. Cheers.
Ok.I am ready got your name if that is it .
Hey there. Firstly you need to provide me with your in-game name. Secondly you need to tell me what time you are usually online. Thirdly what is your offer for the run (how much are you paying). Cheers.
I have added you to my Friends list in game and I ma on mostly in the morning if you want to set up a time let me know I would be will to pay 2 to 3 K like Droks run .I would rather PM my ign here .I would prefer others not see it it old Guru rules .
How to do PMs here still not sure .It is for a Warrior and I do have scrolls .
Unfortunately, these runs usually cost more like 30e, 20e would probably be the cheapest. I wouldn't do it for less than that. I actually don't do runs at all unless someone is very desperate and pays like 50 - 100e. You can check for price checks on this Forum too and see what people tell you. Or check this website for price checks https://kamadan.gwtoolbox.com/ . I think you might be a returning player because no one does anything for 2K - 3K anymore. Even a Droks run from Lions Arch to Droks now is like 50e. These are the prices currently. Sorry to tell you pal
P.S. The prices of "2 to 3 K" are back in like 2006. Nowadays no one will do anything for that price unfortunately.
That is way to much for just a run even from those at are pro runners back in the day and is that in 5 minutes or less because it should be.
I was curious and checked Kamadan chat, and saw someone wanting to buy a FoW run for 30e, so it sound about right.
Also here's a thread on the forum, where someone offers a wide array of runs for this amount and much more, and he has customers.
So I guess the economy these days is like this, that people have and are willing to pay this kind of money.
But if you can't afford something like this, my advice would be to ask on the GW Reddit page. It's possible that someone would be willing to do it for less. Also there are runners who are still learning, they also could offer you a free run. And finally, if you are part of a large guild, like LGiT for example, periodically you can hear people offering to join a run for tips or even free.
That is way to much for just a run even from those at are pro runners back in the day and is that in 5 minutes or less because it should be.
5 minutes for the Obsidian armor run, with TB++ to skip the 2 blacksmith quests, it's already very very fast.
Then, i don't say this maliciously, but i would like that they stop with the Trade chat Kamadan, like go see the prices there it's the good ones. No, it's not, it's an indication at most. To speculate on this chat, it's very easy with some accounts and WTS, WTB. The prices are manipulated, not all but.. :p (you can correct me on that no matter what, it's just too naive for some to make it an exact science, i'm not aiming at gab999 by the way).
That is way to much for just a run even from those at are pro runners back in the day and is that in 5 minutes or less because it should be.
Ill run you for free, PM me ingame on Kara Fierceaxe
5 minutes for the Obsidian armor run, with TB++ to skip the 2 blacksmith quests, it's already very very fast.
Then, i don't say this maliciously, but i would like that they stop with the Trade chat Kamadan, like go see the prices there it's the good ones. No, it's not, it's an indication at most. To speculate on this chat, it's very easy with some accounts and WTS, WTB. The prices are manipulated, not all but.. :p (you can correct me on that no matter what, it's just too naive for some to make it an exact science, i'm not aiming at gab999 by the way).
True, you're right. Kamadon trade chat is not the best place for price checks at all, not even close. But the prices mentioned from the op are prices of like 2005 - 2007 GW.
True, you're right. Kamadon trade chat is not the best place for price checks at all, not even close. But the prices mentioned from the op are prices of like 2005 - 2007 GW.
I know the fastest Droks runner who was in my Factions .It took him less than 10 min using no heals even..He did a fun one for the Faction but normally charges 2.5 K .Why pay ectos when you can just ascend and get there the proper way..I would never charge ectos for a run >I was pug Monking missions and getting [players through that should I charge ectos No .It is not a good way to do business.
Thanks again who ever it was appreciated .I wouldn't mind knowing your hero set up .might try it on my own .
Thanks again who ever it was appreciated .I wouldn't mind knowing your hero set up .might try it on my own .
You‘re welcome!
I‘ll try to catch you online and explain&show everything in detail
To anyone who might read this, leave me a pm if you need a fow armor run for free.
August 10, 2022 at 7:49 PM Closed the thread. -
August 10, 2022 at 7:49 PM Changed the title of the thread from “FoW Armor run” to “Closed. FoW Armor run”.